properties and preview

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

Is there a column for Everything to indicate whether a file is 64bit or 32bit or to tell what sort of file it is, such as .exe, .rar .dll etc?

Possible to view videos in the preview section and to view compressed files, MS word files (.doc and .docx)?

I've set up a filter to preview thumbnails of picture files, is it possible to make the filter open the preview window or does this have to be done manually each time?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by void »

The Binary Type property can be "32-bit Windows" or "64-bit Windows" for exe files.
(doesn't work for arm or dlls)

I've put on my TODO list to add a property for the Portable Executable (PE) machine type. (arm support, exe and dll support)

The Type property is the very basic file type form the registry.
For example:
exe = Application

The Content Type property is the mime type of the file extension from the registry.
For example:
exe = application/x-msdownload

The File Signature property type is the mime type determined from the file content (not the extension).
(Only common file types are currently supported)

Possible to view videos in the preview section and to view compressed files, MS word files (.doc and .docx)?
Everything uses the extension-associated system IPreviewHandler.
There are default preview handlers on Windows for video and doc/docx files.
Please make sure you are using the x64 version of Everything for the best IPreviewHandler support.

Everything uses the system setting (Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Folder options -> View -> Show preview handlers in preview pane) to show (or not show) previews.
When disabled, only images are shown in the preview pane.

You can override this setting with show_preview_handlers_in_preview_pane ini setting:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    where 1 is force on, 2 is force off, and 0 is use system setting (default).
Third party IPreviewHandlers can be installed.

I've set up a filter to preview thumbnails of picture files, is it possible to make the filter open the preview window or does this have to be done manually each time?
Showing or hiding the preview pane needs to be done manually.
I have on my TODO list to save the preview pane in bookmarks.
I will look into a search command to show/hide the preview pane with filters.
For now, Alt + P will toggle the preview pane.
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks, I tried adjusting the windows settings and the show_preview_handlers_in_preview_pane but it doesn't allow me to view compressed files (I use mainly RAR and 7z), PDF or MS docs.

Can mp4 files be played within the preview window?

When Everything updates index properties after I've added some entries in indexes > properties is it kept in the database, meaning that if I have to delete the DB file for any reason Everything has to re-index the properties?
This seems to take an awfully long time, any way of speeding up the indexing?

Is it possible to get the yellow pop up info box in details view either by clicking or hovering on a line?

In thumbnails view the pop up box is useful for various files but when I'm viewing pics it quite there any way to disable the info box just for pictures?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by horst.epp »

harryray2 wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:17 pm Can mp4 files be played within the preview window?
You need a Codec installed on the OS which supports it.
If the Explorer can preview mp4 Everything can.
I have installed the K-Lite Codec Standard Pack which among many other formats also supports mp4.
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Re: properties and preview

Post by tuska »

You can play .mp4 videos within the preview window in Everything :?:
How does this work and what settings are necessary?

(I can play them with Ctrl+Q in the Quick View Panel of Total Commander but not in Everything.
In Windows Explorer I cannot play the video in the preview window either, but only with the programme associated with the file type,
e.g. VLC media player. However, a preview image is displayed).

I have installed K-Lite Codec Pack Full Version 16.3.5 Full ~ 47.4 MB ~ 20 July 2021  /  Everything (x64)

I found this info from horst.epp regarding previews for pdf and document files (MS docs).
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Re: properties and preview

Post by horst.epp »

tuska wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:08 pm 2horst.epp
You can play .mp4 videos within the preview window in Everything :?:
How does this work and what settings are necessary?
You have to add mp4 to the "Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler".
Attached is the Tool for doing it (its no longer available online).
(89.79 KiB) Downloaded 1039 times
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Re: properties and preview

Post by tuska »

Thank you for your support!
I have successfully completed the setup. :)
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

harryray2 wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:17 pm Thanks, I tried adjusting the windows settings and the show_preview_handlers_in_preview_pane but it doesn't allow me to view compressed files (I use mainly RAR and 7z), PDF or MS docs.

Can mp4 files be played within the preview window?

When Everything updates index properties after I've added some entries in indexes > properties is it kept in the database, meaning that if I have to delete the DB file for any reason Everything has to re-index the properties?
This seems to take an awfully long time, any way of speeding up the indexing?

Is it possible to get the yellow pop up info box in details view either by clicking or hovering on a line?

In thumbnails view the pop up box is useful for various files but when I'm viewing pics it quite there any way to disable the info box just for pictures?
I just added 3 items to properties and it took Everything a couple of hours to update. Is this normal?

I've looked through settings and the ini file but I can't find a way to disable the yellow pop up info boxes. I've just noticed that info can be displayed in the status bar but it can be difficult to read as it's crammed together.
Possible to have different colours maybe for each item maybe to separate them?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

I'm wondering if it's my system memory slowing down the indexing...
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Re: properties and preview

Post by void »

The slowness is most likely related to disk access.

Could you please send some more information.

What properties are you indexing?
Did you specify any property include/exclude filters under Tools -> Options -> Properties?
How many files are you indexing?
How much memory is Everything using?
How much ram do you have?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

I'll go through that now and let you know. I suspect it's my system ram causing the problem.
harryray2 wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:17 pm
Is it possible to get the yellow pop up info box in details view either by clicking or hovering on a line?

In thumbnails view the pop up box is useful for various files but when I'm viewing pics it quite there any way to disable the info box just for pictures?
Any thoughts on the above please?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by void »

Is it possible to get the yellow pop up info box in details view either by clicking or hovering on a line?
Please see show_detailed_listview_tooltips.
(please try option 4)
In thumbnails view the pop up box is useful for various files but when I'm viewing pics it quite there any way to disable the info box just for pictures?
Unfortunately, the tooltips can only be enabled or disabled with listview_tooltips
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks, as there's no easier solution I'll do it that way.

Any way of making the file properties in the status bar a bit more readable?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by void »

Please see the statusbar_selected_item_format ini setting.

For example, to set the status bar selected item format to:
Name | Size: 1MB | DM: 2021-08-20

In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
/statusbar_selected_item_format=$n | Size: $s | DM: $d

Currently, only Everything 1.4 properties are supported.
Updating the status bar selected item format for Everything 1.5 is still on my TODO list.
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

I'm currently using the 'show selected items in status bar' option. I'm using 1.5

Would it be possible to maybe have something like an alternate colour background or lettering for each item in the bar similar to the 'alternate row colour' setting to be able to more easily differentiate between them?
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Re: properties and preview

Post by void »

I'll consider an option to customize the colors.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: properties and preview

Post by harryray2 »

Great, thank you..I think it would make for easier reading.
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Re: properties and preview

Post by void »

Everything adds the Machine Target property.

The Machine Type property will show the Machine Target value for Portable Executable (PE) files. (exe and dll files)

Everything also adds application/x-msdownload support to the File Signature property.
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