Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

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Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

Post by therube »

Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

(Lowly) XP SP3

I don't seem to recall (relative) slowness before when using a Filter?
I'm catching, "Querying..." in the status line, & its obvious it is slower.

(Seemingly) could be any filter.
I saw it with a Filter of nothing more then "C:, match path".
But looking now, I'm seeing it too with Audio.

Filter: Audio

Code: Select all

Version (x86)
Windows NT 5.1
Processors 2
IsAdmin 1
AppData 0
Service 1
cmdline "C:\DEV\Locate\Everything.exe"
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 03200048, current focus 03200048
WM_ACTIVATE 00000002 00000000, lastfocus 03200048, current focus 00000000
search 'j' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2a;m3u;
m4a;mid;midi;mka;mod;mp2;mp3;mpa;ogg;ra;rmi;spc;rmi;snd;umx;voc;wav;wma;xm' sort
term 001e8578, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: j
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.026843 seconds
search 'je' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2a;m3u
;m4a;mid;midi;mka;mod;mp2;mp3;mpa;ogg;ra;rmi;spc;rmi;snd;umx;voc;wav;wma;xm' sor
t 13
found 11277 files, size 65584, db search time taken: 0.151379 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000803 seconds
term 001e85d0, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: je
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.029550 seconds
search 'jet' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2a;m3
u;m4a;mid;midi;mka;mod;mp2;mp3;mpa;ogg;ra;rmi;spc;rmi;snd;umx;voc;wav;wma;xm' so
rt 13
found 3414 files, size 65552, db search time taken: 0.188280 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.001050 seconds
term 001e8578, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jet
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
no search history hwn
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.031314 seconds
search 'jeth' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2a;m
3u;m4a;mid;midi;mka;mod;mp2;mp3;mpa;ogg;ra;rmi;spc;rmi;snd;umx;voc;wav;wma;xm' s
ort 13
found 202 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.057887 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000735 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jeth
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.028317 seconds
search 'jethr' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2a;
sort 13
found 1203 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.173671 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.001203 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethr
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.030856 seconds
search 'jethro' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2a
 sort 13
found 564 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.078943 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000742 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025756 seconds
search 'jethro ' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m2
' sort 13
found 1245 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.172666 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000751 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 036963a0, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 036963a0, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 0, fileop: 0, term:
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.026375 seconds
search 'jethro t' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;m
m' sort 13
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
found 1272 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.200025 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000856 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 001e8578, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 001e8578, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: t
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.038409 seconds
search 'jethro tu' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a;
xm' sort 13
found 218 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.066380 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.009755 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 036966b8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 036966b8, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tu
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.053085 seconds
search 'jethro tul' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1a
;xm' sort 13
found 649 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.108857 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.003025 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 001e8578, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 001e8578, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tul
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025963 seconds
search 'jethro tull' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m1
a;xm' sort 13
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
found 601 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.122056 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.001252 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.040580 seconds
search 'jethro tull ' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;m
ma;xm' sort 13
found 1211 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.163059 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000732 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 00187d60, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 00187d60, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 0, fileop: 0, term:
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025420 seconds
found 1699 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.309994 seconds
total size 10229923396, calculated in 0.000066 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000689 seconds
update selection 0.000000 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000328 seconds
new results
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
search 'jethro tull w' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it;
wma;xm' sort 13
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 001e8578, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 001e8578, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: w
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025653 seconds
search 'jethro tull wa' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
;wma;xm' sort 13
found 509 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.146828 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000706 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03534d78, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03534d78, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: wa
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025653 seconds
search 'jethro tull war' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;i
v;wma;xm' sort 13
found 134 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.131570 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000712 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 001e8578, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 001e8578, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025651 seconds
search 'jethro tull war ' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;
av;wma;xm' sort 13
found 80 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.309454 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000714 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03534d78, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03534d78, flags: 1144, next: 00195f20, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 00195f20, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 0, fileop: 0, term:
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025435 seconds
search 'jethro tull war c' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac
wav;wma;xm' sort 13
found 42 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.193030 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000743 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 001e8578, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 001e8578, flags: 1144, next: 001e85d0, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 001e85d0, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: c
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.026251 seconds
search 'jethro tull war ch' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;fla
;wav;wma;xm' sort 13
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.088093 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000728 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03695d30, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03695d30, flags: 1144, next: 03534d78, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03534d78, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: ch
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025783 seconds
update index C:
updated C: in 0.000113 seconds
search 'jethro tull war chi' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;fl
c;wav;wma;xm' sort 13
found 42 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.224603 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000721 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 001e8578, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 001e8578, flags: 1144, next: 00195438, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 00195438, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: chi
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025688 seconds
search 'jethro tull war chil' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;f
oc;wav;wma;xm' sort 13
found 18 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.106560 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000722 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03695d30, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03695d30, flags: 1144, next: 03796008, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03796008, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: chil
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025434 seconds
found 76 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.339236 seconds
total size 361064190, calculated in 0.000007 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000702 seconds
update selection 0.000000 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000365 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000204 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000931 seconds
new results
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
search 'jethro tull war child' filter 'ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;
voc;wav;wma;xm' sort 13
term 03796008, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 00195438, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 00195438, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03673e08, flags: 3144, next: 03938898, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: child
term 03938898, flags: 3140, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 1, fileop: 162, term: ext:aac;ac3;aif;aifc;aiff;au;cda;dts;fla;flac;it
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.051238 seconds
update index C:
updated C: in 0.000154 seconds
found 76 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.323875 seconds
total size 361064190, calculated in 0.000007 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000694 seconds
update selection 0.000001 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000339 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000383 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000837 seconds
new results
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 03200048, current focus 03200048
Filter: Everything

Code: Select all

Version (x86)
Windows NT 5.1
Processors 2
IsAdmin 1
AppData 0
Service 1
cmdline "C:\DEV\Locate\Everything.exe"
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 03200048, current focus 03200048
WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000, lastfocus 03200048, current focus 00000000
search 'j' filter '' sort 13
term 03534d78, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: j
found 9159 folders, size 65572, db search time taken: 0.025628 seconds
search 'je' filter '' sort 13
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
found 40963 files, size 196772, db search time taken: 0.095553 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000222 seconds
term 00187d60, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: je
found 1134 folders, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.027127 seconds
search 'jet' filter '' sort 13
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
found 7306 files, size 65568, db search time taken: 0.174458 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000819 seconds
term 00187d60, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jet
no search history hwn
found 213 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.026605 seconds
search 'jeth' filter '' sort 13
found 787 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.069326 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000751 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jeth
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.026143 seconds
search 'jethr' filter '' sort 13
found 1357 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.176830 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000825 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethr
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025605 seconds
search 'jethro' filter '' sort 13
found 689 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.099845 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000745 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025602 seconds
search 'jethro ' filter '' sort 13
found 1822 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.247476 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000733 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03534d78, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534d78, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 0, fileop: 0, term:
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025405 seconds
search 'jethro t' filter '' sort 13
found 689 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.111088 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000770 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03534e28, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534e28, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: t
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025684 seconds
search 'jethro tu' filter '' sort 13
found 148 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.024485 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000752 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 036966b8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 036966b8, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tu
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025517 seconds
search 'jethro tul' filter '' sort 13
found 689 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.120307 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000850 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03534e28, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534e28, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tul
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025807 seconds
search 'jethro tull' filter '' sort 13
found 687 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.107946 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000744 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025494 seconds
search 'jethro tull ' filter '' sort 13
found 687 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.100645 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000954 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 00187d60, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 00187d60, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 0, fileop: 0, term:
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025618 seconds
search 'jethro tull w' filter '' sort 13
found 192 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.038635 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000730 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534e28, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03534e28, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: w
found 43 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025504 seconds
search 'jethro tull wa' filter '' sort 13
found 531 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.140153 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000730 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 039884d0, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 039884d0, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: wa
found 16 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025890 seconds
search 'jethro tull war' filter '' sort 13
found 60 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.071895 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000754 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534e28, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 03534e28, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025410 seconds
search 'jethro tull war ' filter '' sort 13
found 22 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.107888 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000732 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 039884d0, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 039884d0, flags: 1144, next: 03695d30, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03695d30, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 0, fileop: 0, term:
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025665 seconds
search 'jethro tull war c' filter '' sort 13
found 44 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.142627 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000788 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 001e8620, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 001e8620, flags: 1144, next: 001e8768, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 001e8768, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: c
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025507 seconds
search 'jethro tull war ch' filter '' sort 13
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.073111 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.002181 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 036965c8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 036965c8, flags: 1144, next: 039884d0, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 039884d0, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: ch
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025667 seconds
search 'jethro tull war chi' filter '' sort 13
found 24 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.121017 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000748 seconds
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 001e8620, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 001e8620, flags: 1144, next: 00187d60, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 00187d60, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: chi
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025459 seconds
search 'jethro tull war chil' filter '' sort 13
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.101781 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000854 seconds
term 03673e08, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 036965c8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 036965c8, flags: 1144, next: 03717538, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03717538, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: chil
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025739 seconds
search 'jethro tull war child' filter '' sort 13
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.099408 seconds
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waiting...
DB_WAIT: db_query_search waited 0.000717 seconds
term 03717538, flags: 1144, next: 03534cf8, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: jethro
term 03534cf8, flags: 1144, next: 00187d60, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: tull
term 00187d60, flags: 1144, next: 03673e08, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: war
term 03673e08, flags: 3144, next: 00000000, notnext: 00000000
folderop: 10, fileop: 10, term: child
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025444 seconds
found 78 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.306038 seconds
total size 361114726, calculated in 0.000006 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000715 seconds
update selection 0.000001 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000344 seconds
new results
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 03200048, current focus 03200048
Filtering ;-) on "time taken":

Filter: Audio

Code: Select all

found 9159 folders, size 65572, db search time taken: 0.025628 seconds
found 40963 files, size 196772, db search time taken: 0.095553 seconds
found 1134 folders, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.027127 seconds
found 7306 files, size 65568, db search time taken: 0.174458 seconds
found 213 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.026605 seconds
found 787 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.069326 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.026143 seconds
found 1357 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.176830 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025605 seconds
found 689 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.099845 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025602 seconds
found 1822 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.247476 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025405 seconds
found 689 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.111088 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025684 seconds
found 148 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.024485 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025517 seconds
found 689 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.120307 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025807 seconds
found 687 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.107946 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025494 seconds
found 687 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.100645 seconds
found 164 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025618 seconds
found 192 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.038635 seconds
found 43 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025504 seconds
found 531 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.140153 seconds
found 16 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025890 seconds
found 60 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.071895 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025410 seconds
found 22 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.107888 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025665 seconds
found 44 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.142627 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025507 seconds
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.073111 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025667 seconds
found 24 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.121017 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025459 seconds
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.101781 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025739 seconds
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.099408 seconds
found 6 folders, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.025444 seconds
found 78 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.306038 seconds
finished sort, time taken 0.000715 seconds
Filter: Everything

Code: Select all

found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.026843 seconds
found 11277 files, size 65584, db search time taken: 0.151379 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.029550 seconds
found 3414 files, size 65552, db search time taken: 0.188280 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.031314 seconds
found 202 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.057887 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.028317 seconds
found 1203 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.173671 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.030856 seconds
found 564 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.078943 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025756 seconds
found 1245 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.172666 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.026375 seconds
found 1272 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.200025 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.038409 seconds
found 218 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.066380 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.053085 seconds
found 649 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.108857 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025963 seconds
found 601 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.122056 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.040580 seconds
found 1211 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.163059 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025420 seconds
found 1699 files, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.309994 seconds
finished sort, time taken 0.000689 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025653 seconds
found 509 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.146828 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025653 seconds
found 134 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.131570 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025651 seconds
found 80 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.309454 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025435 seconds
found 42 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.193030 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.026251 seconds
found 20 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.088093 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025783 seconds
found 42 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.224603 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025688 seconds
found 18 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.106560 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.025434 seconds
found 76 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.339236 seconds
finished sort, time taken 0.000702 seconds
found 0 folders, size 0, db search time taken: 0.051238 seconds
found 76 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 0.323875 seconds
finished sort, time taken 0.000694 seconds
Posts: 16368
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

Post by void »

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Something is not right here with 1.4.1, from my tests, 1.4.1 is about half the speed of when sorting by anything other than name ascending.
This is due to cache misses.
There's still something not right, its about 10% slower when sorting 1.4.1 by name ascending.

Showing the total / selected size in the statusbar will have a big impact, enabling debug logging will also impact search performance.

I'm looking into the issue..
Posts: 16368
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

Post by void »

ext: is slightly slower in Everything 1.4 because of full support for Unicode.

I've changed all the default filters in Everything 808b to match diacritics, which gives better performance than Everything 1.3 ext:.

I've also added information to the fast sort tooltips, that warns, when sorting by a fast sort there is a search performance hit.
Posts: 4875
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

Post by therube »

Everything 808b
404 at present.
Posts: 16368
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Filtered Search Noticeably Slow

Post by void »

It helps when I actually upload the latest nightly ;)

Please try the 808 link again.
Post Reply