With formulas you can:
Customize the formatting of properties with custom columns.
Search for files and folders when using $property-name: and the formula evaluates to true.
See the result when using the /= search command.
Change setting values from the search box.
Formulas support C style expressions.
For example, show the size in bits in column A:
a:=$size:*8 add-column:a
Custom columns
There are 16 assignable custom columns.
Column values can be accessed with the Column 0 - Column 9 or Column A - Column F properties.
To set a custom column, include the following in your search:
where a is the column letter (a-f) and formula is the column formula.
For example:
<foo a:=1> | <bar a:=0>
Properties can be referenced with $property-name:
Use - for spaces in the property name.
For example:
Custom columns can be formatted.
For example:
Code: Select all
add-column:a a:=$size: a-format:size:mb
Display values will be formatted as size in MB.
Supported column formats:
- size:auto
- size:bytes
- size:kb
- size:mb
- size:gb
- size
- duration
- length
- number
- attributes
- filetimeutc
- filetime
- datetime
- date
- time
- Any Text() format. For example: or
Searching with formulas
$date-modified:==$date-created: (date-modified is equal to date-created)
UPPER($name:)>="N" UPPER($name:)<="S" (Name starts with N to S)
$name:[1]=='o' (Second letter of name is o)
len($stem:)%3==0 (Stem length is a multiple of 3)
*.lnk !exists($shortcut-target:) (find lnk files where the shortcut target doesn't exist in your index)
View the result of the expression
Type in your expression with the /= prefix and press ENTER.
For example:
Change setting values
Type in your expression with the / prefix and press ENTER.
For example:
Most Excel text functions, Integer functions and logical functions are supported.
Most preprocessor search functions are supported.
The following functions are supported:
- ABS(x) - Absolute value of x.
- ACOS(x) - Inverse cosine of x in radians.
- ACOSH(x) - Inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
- ADD_TRAILING_PATH_SEPARATOR(path) - add a trailing path separator to path.
- AND(x,y,z,...) - logical AND of all parameters.
- ASIN(x) - Inverse sine of x in radians.
- ASINH(x) - Inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
- ATAN(x) - Inverse tangent of x in radians.
- ATAN2(x,y) - Angle between the line segment 0,0 -> x,y in radians.
- ATANH(x) - Inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
- BASENAME(path) - Name part of path.
- BITAND(value1,value2) - value1 & value2
- BITLSHIFT(value,shift_value) - value << shift_value
- BITOR(value1,value2) - value1 | value2
- BITRSHIFT(value,shift_value) - value1 >> shift_value
- BITXOR(value1,value2) - value1 ^ value2
- CEILING(x,[factor]) - Round up x to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance.
- CHARACTER_COUNT(text) - Returns the number of characters in text.
- CHAR(x) - Character from Unicode point x.
- CLEAN(string) - Remove non-printable characters from string.
- CODE(ch) - Unicode point from character ch.
- CONCAT(x,y,z,...) - Concatenate all parameters into one string.
- CONCATENATE(x,y,z,...) - Concatenate all parameters into one string.
- CONVERT_CODE_PAGE(text,from_codepage,to_codepage) - Convert text in from_codepage to to_codepage.
- COS(x) - Cosine of x in radians.
- COSH(x) - Hyperbolic cosine of x in radians.
- CRC32(text) - Compute the crc32 sum of text.
- CRC64(text) - Compute the crc64 sum of text.
- DAY(date-or-filetime) - Day value from a date or filetime.
- DATE(year,month,day) - Returns the specified date as a FILETIME serial number.
- DATEVALUE(date-or-filetime) - Local date part from the specified filetime as a filetime.
- DEC2HEX(num,zero-padding) - Convert decimal num to hexidecimal
- DECODE_BASE64(text) - Decode base64 text.
- DEGREES(x) - Convert x in radians to degrees.
- EDATE(filetime/date,month-offset) - Get the filetime with a month offset from the specified filetime/date.
- ELEMENT(list,separator-characters,index) - Get the list item from the specified 1 base index.
- ELEMENT_COUNT(list,separator-characters) - Returns the number of items in a list.
- ENCODE_BASE64(text) - Encode base64 text.
- EVAL(expression) - Evaluate the expression and return the result.
- EXACT(a,b) - Text compare a with b.
- EVEN(x) - Round up x to the nearest even integer.
- EXISTS(filename,[match-case]) - Returns true if the file or folder with the specified name exists in your index. Otherwise, returns false.
- EXP(x) - Euler's number to the power of x.
- EXTENSION(path) - Extension part of path with dot (.)
- FILE_EXISTS(filename,[match-case]) - Returns true if the file with the specified name exists in your index. Otherwise, returns false.
- FILENAME(path) - Name part of path.
- FILETIME(date) - Convert a date to a filetime.
- FILETIME_TO_LOCAL_FILETIME(utcfiletime) - Converts a filetime in UTC to a local filetime.
- FIND(search,text,[start-index]) - Case sensitive find search inside text.
- FLOOR(x,[factor]) - Round x down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance.
- FOLDER_EXISTS(filename,[match-case]) - Returns true if the folder with the specified name exists in your index. Otherwise, returns false.
- FORMAT_DATETIME(date_time_serial_number,format) - Format a datetime
- FORMAT_DURATION(time,[format]) - Format 100-nanosecond time duration.
- FORMAT_FILE_ATTRIBUTES(windows-file-attributes) - Format file attributes
- FORMAT_FILETIME(filetime,[format]) - Format a windows filetime.
- FORMAT_FILETIME_UTC(filetime,[format]) - Format a windows filetime in UTC.
- FORMAT_NUMBER(num) - Add commas to large numbers.
- FORMAT_SIZE(size,[format]) - Format size
- GET_PROPERTY(filename,property-name) - Returns the indexed property value from the specified filename and property.
- HAS_BASENAME(path) - Returns 1 if path has a basename. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_EXTENSION(path) - Returns 1 if path has an extension. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_FILENAME(path) - Returns 1 if path has a filename. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_PARENT_PATH(path) - Returns 1 if path has a parent path. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_RELATIVE_PATH(path) - Returns 1 if path has a relative path. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY(path) - Returns 1 if path has a root directory. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_ROOT_NAME(path) - Returns 1 if path has a root name. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_ROOT_PATH(path) - Returns 1 if path has a root path. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HAS_STEM(path) - Returns 1 if path has a stem. Otherwise, returns 0.
- HEX2DEC(hex-value) - Returns a hexidecimal value as a decimal value.
- HOUR(date-or-filetime) - Hour of the specified date or filetime.
- IF(x,y,z) - If x is TRUE (or non-zero), return y. Otherwise, return z.
- IFLEN(x,y,z) - If the length of x is larger than 0, return y. Otherwise, return z.
- IFS(condition1,result1,condition2,result2,...) - If condition1 is true return result1, if condition2 is true return result2, ...
- INT(text) - Convert text to an integer.
- IS_ABSOLUTE(path) - Returns 1 if path is absolute. Otherwise, returns 0.
- IS_BLANK(text) - Returns 1 if the text is blank/empty. Otherwise, returns 0.
- IS_ERROR(x) - Quirk returns 1 if x is NULL. Otherwise, returns 0.
- IS_RELATIVE(path) - Returns 1 if path is relative. Otherwise, returns 0.
- LEFT(text,[count]) - Returns the left part of the text.
- LEN(text) - Returns the length of the string in UTF-16 characters.
- LINE_COUNT(text) - Returns the number of lines in text.
- LOCAL_FILETIME_TO_FILETIME(localfiletime) - Converts a local filetime to a filetime in UTC.
- LOG(x,[base]) - Returns the logarithm of x given a base (10 by default).
- LOG10(x) - Returns the logarithm of x with base 10.
- LOWER(text) - Returns the text as lowercase.
- LOWERCASE(text) - Returns the text as lowercase.
- LPAD(text,pad-char) - Left pad text with the specified pad-char.
- LTRIM(text) - Remove spaces from the left of text.
- MAKE_PREFERRED(path) - Fix path separators.
- MAX(x,y,z,...) - Return the maximum value.
- MD5(text) - Compute the md5 sum of text.
- MID(text,start,length) - Return a substring.
- MIN(x,y,z,...) - Return the minimum value.
- MINUTE(date-or-filetime) - Minute value from a date or filetime.
- MOD(x,y) - Returns the modulo of x and y.
- MONTH(date-or-filetime) - Month value from a date or filetime.
- N(x) - Return x if x is a number. Otherwise, returns 0.
- NOT(x) - Return logical NOT of x.
- NOW() - Return the current filetime.
- OR(x,y,z,...) - Return the logical OR of all parameters.
- PARAGRAPH_COUNT(text) - Returns the number of paragraphs in text.
- PATH_CANONICALIZE(path) - Return the canonicalized path.
- PATH_COMBINE(path-part,name-part) - Combine path and name with the correct path separator.
- PATH_PART(path) - Return the path part from the specified path.
- PI(x,y) - Returns 3.14159265358979323846
- POWER(base,exp) - Return the power from the specified base and exponent.
- PRINTF(format,...) - C style printf
- PRODUCT(x,y,z,...) - Multiple all numbers together.
- PROPER(text) - Convert text to titlecase.
- RADIANS(x) - Convert x in degrees to radians.
- RAND() - Return a random number.
- RANDBETWEEN(x,y) - Return a random number between x and y (inclusive)
- REGEX_COUNT(text,pattern) - count the number of occurrences of regex pattern in text.
- REGEX_ESCAPE(text) - Return text with special regex characters escaped.
- REGEX_EXTRACT(text,pattern) - Return the regex match.
- REGEX_FIND(pattern,text) - Return the 1-based index of the first case sensitive regex match.
- REGEX_MATCH(text,pattern) - Returns 1 if the specified pattern is found. Otherwise, returns 0.
- REGEX_REPLACE(text,pattern,replacement-text) - Replace pattern in text with replacement-text.
- REGEX_SEARCH(pattern,text) - Return the 1-based index of the first case insensitive regex match.
- REGEX_UNESCAPE(text) - Return text with special regex characters unescaped.
- RELATIVE_PATH(path) - Returns the relative path of the specified path.
- REMOVE_BASENAME(path) - Removes the basename from path.
- REMOVE_DIACRITICS(text) - Removes diacritics from text.
- REMOVE_EXTENSION(path) - Removes the extension from path.
- REMOVE_FILENAME(path) - Removes the basename from path.
- REMOVE_PUNCTUATION(text) - Remove punctuation from text.
- REMOVE_TRAILING_PATH_SEPARATOR(path) - Removes the trailing path separator from path.
- REPEAT(text,count) - Repeat text, count times.
- REPLACE(old,start,len,new) - Replace part of old with new.
- REPLACE_BASENAME(path,new-basename) - Return path with a new basename.
- REPLACE_EXTENSION(path,new-extension) - Return path with a new extension.
- REPLACE_FILENAME(path,new-basename) - Return path with a new basename.
- REPT(text,count) - Repeat text, count times.
- RIGHT(text,[count]) - Returns the right part of the text.
- ROMAN(x) - Convert x to roman numerals.
- ROOT_DIRECTORY(path) - Return the root directory from the specified path.
- ROOT_NAME(path) - Return the root name from the specified path.
- ROOT_PATH(path) - Return the root path from the specified path.
- ROUND(x,[places]) - Round x to the specified number of decimal place.
- ROUNDDOWN(x,[places]) - Round x down to the specified number of decimal place.
- ROUNDUP(x,[places]) - Round x up to the specified number of decimal place.
- RPAD(text,pad-char) - Left pad text with the specified pad-char.
- RTRIM(text) - Remove spaces from the right of text.
- SEARCH(search,text,[start-index]) - Case insensitive find search inside text.
- SECOND(date-or-filetime) - Second value from a date or filetime.
- SHA1(text) - Compute the sha1 sum of text.
- SHA256(text) - Compute the sha256 sum of text.
- SHA384(text) - Compute the sha384 sum of text.
- SHA512(text) - Compute the sha512 sum of text.
- SIGN(x) - Returns -1 if x is negative, 1 if x is positive and 0 if x is 0.
- SIN(x) - Sine of x in radians.
- SINH(x) - Hyperbolic sine of x in radians.
- SQRT(x) - Returns the square root of x.
- STEM(path) - Return the stem part of the specified path.
- STRCMP(a,b) - Case sensitive string compare.
- STRICMP(a,b) - Case insensitive string compare.
- STRINGCOUNT(text,search) - Returns the number of occurrences of search inside text.
- STRLEN(text) - Returns the length of the string in UTF-16 characters.
- STRLWR(text) - Returns the text as lowercase.
- STRUPR(text) - Returns the text as uppercase.
- STUFF(text,start,len,text-to-insert) - Return text with text-to-insert inserted.
- SUBSTITUTE(text,old,new) - Replace old with new in text.
- SUBSTR(text,start,[length]) - Return a substring.
- SUBSTRING(text,start,[length]) - Return a substring.
- SUM(x,y,z,....) - Return the sum of all parameters.
- SWITCH(value,case1,value1,case2,value2,....,default-value) - Return a value from a matching case.
- T(x) - Returns x if x is text. Otherwise, returns empty text.
- TAN(x) - Tangent of x in radians.
- TANH(x) - Hyperbolic tangent of x in radians.
- TEXT(text,format) - Format text.
- TEXTJOIN(separator-character,ignore-empty,x,y,z,....) - Concatenate parameters with a separator character.
- TIME(hour,minute,second) - Returns the specified time as a FILETIME serial number.
- TIMEVALUE(date-or-filetime) - Local time part from the specified filetime as a filetime.
- TITLECASE(text) - Convert text to titlecase.
- TODAY() - Returns the current date.
- TRIM(text) - Remove spaces from the start and end of text.
- TRUNC(x,[places]) - Truncate x to the specified number of significant digits.
- UNICHAR(num) - Returns the Unicode character from the specified Unicode point.
- UNICODE(ch) - Returns the Unicode point from the specified Unicode character.
- UPPER(text) - Returns the text as uppercase.
- UPPERCASE(text) - Returns the text as uppercase.
- UTF82HEX(text) - Returns text as hex data.
- UTF8LEN(text) - Returns the length of text in UTF-8 bytes.
- VERSION() - Returns the current version of Everything.
- WEEKDAY(date-or-filetime) - Weekday value from a date or filetime.
- WORD_COUNT(text) - Returns the number of words in text.
- XOR(x,y,z,...) - Returns the XOR result of all parameters.
- YEAR(date-or-filetime) - Year value from a date or filetime.
Please see Preprocessor for function documentation.
To show column 1:
- Right click the result list column header and click Add columns....
- Select Column 1 and click OK.
Include the following in your search:
Columns values are updated in real-time.
Excel Quirks
Everything uses NULL for errors and invalid values.