Debug Logging

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Debug Logging

Post by void »

Debug logging requires Everything 1.4.1 or later

To enable debug logging in Everything:

In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:


Launch Everything with the -debug-log command line option:
Everything.exe -debug-log

When debug logging is enabled, Everything will log all debug messages to %TEMP%\Everything Debug Log.txt

To enable verbose debug logging in Everything:

In Everything or later, type in the following search and press ENTER:
type in the following search and press ENTER:


Launch Everything with the -debug-log and -verbose command line options:
Everything.exe -debug-log -verbose

  • Completely exit Everything (right click the Everything system tray icon and click Exit).
  • Open your %APPDATA%\Everything\Everything.ini
  • Change the following lines:

    Code: Select all


    Code: Select all

  • Save changes and Restart Everything.
When verbose debug logging is enabled, Everything will log all debug messages, verbose debug messages and events to %TEMP%\Everything Debug Log.txt

To disable debug logging in Everything:
To enable debug logging for the Everything service:
  • From the Start menu, click Run....
  • Type in regedit and click Run.
  • In Regedit, navigate to:
  • Change the value data for ImagePath from
    "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -svc
    "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -svc -debug-log
    where "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" is the location of your Everything.exe
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + ESC to start the Task manager
  • Click the Services tab.
  • Right click Everything and click Stop Service.
  • Right click Everything and click Start Service.
  • Restart Everything.
When the Everything service debug logging is enabled, all debug messages are logged to C:\Windows\Temp\Everything Service Debug Log.txt

To enable verbose debug logging for the Everything service:
  • From the Start menu, click Run....
  • Type in regedit and click Run.
  • In Regedit, navigate to:
  • Change the value data for ImagePath from
    "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -svc
    "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -svc -debug-log -verbose
    where "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" is the location of your Everything.exe
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + ESC to start the Task manager
  • Click the Services tab.
  • Right click Everything and click Stop Service.
  • Right click Everything and click Start Service.
  • Restart Everything.
When the Everything service debug logging is enabled, all debug messages, verbose debug messages and events are logged to C:\Windows\Temp\Everything Service Debug Log.txt

To disable debug logging for the Everything service:
  • From the Start menu, click Run....
  • Type in regedit and click Run.
  • In Regedit, navigate to:
  • Change the value data for ImagePath from
    "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -svc -debug-log
    "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -svc
    where "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" is the location of your Everything.exe
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + ESC to start the Task manager
  • Click the Services tab.
  • Right click Everything and click Stop Service.
  • Right click Everything and click Start Service.
  • Restart Everything.
To temporarily enable debug logging in Everything or later:
  • In Everything, in the Search box, type in the following search and press ENTER:
When debug logging is enabled, Everything will log all debug messages to %TEMP%\Everything Debug Log.txt

Everything log files can grow quite large. Everything log files are deleted when you start Everything. Please copy or rename any Everything log files if Everything crashes.

Please send these debug logs to

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