Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

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Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

If I create some file on any drive, then it is found by Everything without a sweat. But if I delete it, then Everything is no longer able to find it and I have to use search feature of e.g. FreeCommander

Having found this topic viewtopic.php?t=6454 I checked what do I have under the

Tools > Options > Indexes > Exclude > Exclude folders:

box - and as it comes out it is nothing because that list is empty in my setttings

I am using version (x64) on Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2 19042.746 x64
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by raccoon »

Make sure you have "Run as Administrator" disabled, and "Start Everything Service" enabled under Options. Then restart the program.
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by therube »

Once a file is deleted, it is no longer known under its original name (to Everything).
Instead, it is named with a GUID-like name.

Windows itself keeps track of the GUID to original name data.

If you took note of the file size, then deleted a file, then searched for that specific size, you will find it in Recycle Bin, & if you "looked" at the file, you would see that it is fact the file you just deleted. (And grant there could be multiple same sized files...)


(With Everything 1.5 alpha, it too can search for the original names of $recycle.bin files.)
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

raccoon wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:55 pm Make sure you have "Run as Administrator" disabled, and "Start Everything Service" enabled under Options. Then restart the program.
As it comes out, I already had such settings

therube wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:06 pm [...]
therube wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:06 pm (With Everything 1.5 alpha, it too can search for the original names of $recycle.bin files.)
So in other words this is normal Everything behavior coming out from its limitations thus not a bug - but an upgrade in regards to this issue is already on the horizon?
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

Everything searches the true filenames on disk.

If you would like to search for virtualized recycle bin names, please try the display-name: search function:

For example:

:\$recycle.bin\ display-name:"Original filename.txt"

You can also add the Display Name property as a column.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

void wrote: Sat Jul 02, 2022 2:58 am [...]
try the display-name: search function:
You mean to simply filrer list of files by entering e.g.

:\$recycle.bin\ display-name:"test file.txt"

instead of just

test file


If yes- then it does not work
void wrote: Sat Jul 02, 2022 2:58 am [...]
add the Display Name property as a column.
I already had that column turned on
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

What is the filename shown under the display name column?

It may depend on how you have named the file, if you have named the file exactly "test file.txt", search for:

:\$recycle.bin\ display-name:"test file.txt"

Otherwise, please try:

:\$recycle.bin\ display-name:<test file.txt>
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

void wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:37 am What is the filename shown under the display name column?
Let's get back to basis

By Display Name column we mean a column named exactly Display Name or just Name? Because I only have Name available

void wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:37 am [...]
search for:[...]
The result was the same- after deletion of file named exactly test file.txt it disappeared from Everything I could not be found with either of these two expressions
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

Name and Display Name are two different columns.

The Name column is always shown and cannot be removed.
The Name column shows the true filename as it is on disk.

The Display Name shows the filename as you would see in Windows Explorer.
The Display Name is usually exactly the same as Name.
For recycle bin files, Display Name will show the original filename. (only recycle bin data, eg: $R*.* files)

To show the Display Name column:
  • In Everything 1.5, right click the result list column header and click Add columns....
  • Type display into the search box.
  • Select Display Name and click OK.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

void wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:37 am [...]
if you have named the file exactly "test file.txt", search for:

:\$recycle.bin\ display-name:"test file.txt"

Otherwise, please try:

:\$recycle.bin\ display-name:<test file.txt>
void wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:41 pm [...]
For recycle bin files, Display Name will show the original filename. (only recycle bin data, eg: $R*.* files)
So I installed version 1.5a I repeated the test. And both expression did work- i.e. the Display Name shows test file.txt while Name still just some $GIBERSH.txt

So... right now Everything works in such a way, that:
- a user would need to know that some file was accidentally deleted
- know [at least approximated] name of the deleted file
- remember to also check the Recycle Bin [being to ease the process by using a work-around in form of some template Bookmark]
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by therube »

But if I delete it, then Everything is no longer able to find it and I have to use search feature of e.g. FreeCommander
In what way is the search feature of FC helping?
Does it not also only see the "GUID" name - not the "real" name?

An Everything search like
:\$recycle.bin\ !$I display-name:"
(with no actual display-name: term) should show all $recycle.bin items.
And if you sort those by Date Modified... (& you know about when you deleted... or by Size, & you know about how big...)

(In any case, all this is far faster, & far less brain dead then what Windows itself gives you.)

Also note that (in Everything 1.5) Undo History & Index Journal may also be of benefit (showing recently deleted [renamed, moved, ... files...).
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

therube wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:47 pm
But if I delete it, then Everything is no longer able to find it and I have to use search feature of e.g. FreeCommander
In what way is the search feature of FC helping?
Well, when using

Code: Select all

:\$recycle.bin\ !$I display-name:
Everything shows me +140% more deleted items than FreeCommander, deleted from all of my drives. I reckon it is showing me also files in deleted folders [a quick test has proven my deduction].
In FreeCommander such buried deeper files remain hidden, as it only shows deleted folders and not their content

And yes, FreeCommander has slow search feature; but still better than Windows. (I even long time ago tested on Windows 7 that FC was faster than Windows Explorer with indexing of files being turned on)

As for the
therube wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:47 pm Does it not also only see the "GUID" name - not the "real" name?
the answer is: yes and no - In short: The overall Recycle Bin shows real names, while when a user navigates to a Recycle Bin folder on a given volume, then the names are coded. Which sucks [and which is one of the reasons why I had started looking for some program like Everything]

So why sill use search in FreeCommander? To not have to use special filtering expression in Everything. Because if in order to be sure that I have searched everywhere, I would have to:

A] use Everything to search through non-deleted items - and then through all those deleted

B] use Everything to search through non-deleted items - and at the same through all those deleted

Option A would requires extra clicking with some kind of workaround [like a Bookmark]

Option B would require some regular expression, at which writing I suck. Would it be even possible to write it in such way, that I would only have to add at its end [i.e. in one place] the name of a supposedly lost item?

And I have already seen the Index Journal, which gave some ideas what it can be used for

But the perfect solution would be for a user to be able to choose some option named like "Include always in searches items from Recycle Bin"

And taking into consideration that does not use at all the word "Recycle", it seems that it is impossible right now - thus this topic should be moved from Bugs to Suggestions section of the forum
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

But the perfect solution would be for a user to be able to choose some option named like "Include always in searches items from Recycle Bin"
I will consider an option to do this.
Thank you for the suggestion.

For now, please consider a bin filter:
  • In Everything, from the Search menu, click Add to filters...
  • Change the name to: Recycle Bin
  • Change the search to: :\$recycle.bin\ !$I <search: | displayname:search:> addcolumn:displayname
  • Change the macro to: bin<search>
  • Click OK.
Searching for bin:"foo.txt" will now search for the true filename or display name called foo.txt in the recycle bin and add the Display Name column.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

void wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:44 am [...]
[*]Change the search to: :\$recycle.bin\ !$I <search: | displayname:search:> addcolumn:displayname
This workaround and is more convenient than the previous one, thank you very much

Could it be however adjusted to something like

Code: Select all

:\$recycle.bin\ !$I <search: | displayname:search:> addcolumn:displayname removecolumn:name
so that Display Name would automatically replace Name when searching in the Recycle Bin? This way the other columns would not be moved further to the right, thus becoming [in my setup] accessible only after horizontal scrolling
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

The name column cannot be removed.

You can position the Display Name column by appending :position

For example, to show the Display Name column first:


and if you wanted the Name column last, please try:

Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

void wrote: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:39 am The name column cannot be removed.
Then maybe this could be changed in future releases?

Maybe with a workaround of adding an option for letting a user choose if the default column for Name should be than ordinary Name or Display Name?
void wrote: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:39 am try:
As a workaround, for my overall settings, this

Code: Select all

have worked [with some manual width adjustments] - so thank you

However I must report bugs I stumbled upon when trying to get to this configuration

Because of the lack of feature of cloning [viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11834] and not wanting to mess up my settings, I choose to execute

Main Menu > Search > Organize Filters... > New

and coping to it the previously working A-OK

Code: Select all

:\$recycle.bin\ !$I <search: | displayname:search:> addcolumn:displayname
and naming it Recycle Bin Test

Unfortunately despite double checking for typos and usage of the right / same boxes, all I could see when choosing in the main window this newly created Recycle Bin Test entry from the drop down menu, was lack of list of items. So I created another one named it Test 2 but it also was yielding zero items. But when I removed Recycle Bin and Test 2 then Recycle Bin Test started to work without a sweat, producing in main window proper list of items when chosen

So to be sure that it was the

Code: Select all

:\$recycle.bin\ !$I <search: | displayname:search:> addcolumn:displayname
set as Search parameter that was the culprit and not some problem with Name parameter - I went to the main window, wrote in the box

and went to

Main Menu > Search > Add to Filters...

and added it as
xyz 1

And then I repeated this but with choosing a Name of
xyz 2

The result was me having two new similarly named entries on the drop down list, which were narrowing items results to the very same ones

So then I wanted to test other inner-workings of this feature. For that I deleted both Recycle Bin Test and Test 2, thus leaving only the original / old Recycle Bin, and added a New entry - with a Name of already existing Recycle Bin. The result was a new entry being automatically renamed to Recycle Bin (2)

But here is where another bug manifested itself: after going back to the main window and choosing Recycle Bin from the drop down menu I once again saw nothing on the list. Deletion of Recycle Bin (2) did not help. And so after all I did mess up things - to the point where I had to revert to restoring old settings from backup files [which was not a big deal]

All of this has happened in Everything version (x64) (x64) on Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2 19042.746 x64
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

Then maybe this could be changed in future releases?
This is unlikely to change, Everything is designed to always have the name column visible.
If full row selection is disabled, there will be nowhere to click to select an item.

I will consider an option to show the Display Name in the name column.

Recycle Bin Test

Unfortunately despite double checking for typos and usage of the right / same boxes, all I could see when choosing in the main window this newly created Recycle Bin Test entry from the drop down menu, was lack of list of items. So I created another one named it Test 2 but it also was yielding zero items. But when I removed Recycle Bin and Test 2 then Recycle Bin Test started to work without a sweat, producing in main window proper list of items when chosen
Did you forget the macro?
If you don't set a macro, the search: term will not be replaced and the search will not work.
The macro should look something like:

You can use the same macro name.
However, Everything will only use the first filter found by name-ascending.

There is a couple bugs with duplicated macro names.
Everything is currently using a random filter with a matching macro identifier.
This will be fixed in the next alpha update.

If you did set a macro name, could you please try reproducing the issue and send some debug output?

So then I wanted to test other inner-workings of this feature. For that I deleted both Recycle Bin Test and Test 2, thus leaving only the original / old Recycle Bin, and added a New entry - with a Name of already existing Recycle Bin. The result was a new entry being automatically renamed to Recycle Bin (2)
Filter names must be unique.
Everything will automatically rename the filter so the name is unique.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

Thy Grand Voidinesss wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:06 pm [...]
Recycle Bin Test

void wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:30 am [...]
Did you forget the macro?
Yes, I did; false alarm

Me molto stupido...
void wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:30 am If you don't set a macro, the search: term will not be replaced and the search will not work.
The macro should look something like:

You can use the same macro name
[...] why do I need a macro for this Recycle Bin system folder - but I do not need a macro for the Search parameter of a Filter like e.g.

D:\Music file:

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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

If you don't specify a macro, the filter search is automatically ANDed to the current search.

For example:

Search box: abc
Macro: empty
Filter search: D:\Music file:

Everything searches for: D:\Music file: abc
(D:\Music AND file: AND abc)

Search box: abc
Macro: mycontent<search>
Filter search: D:\docs\ search: | content:search:

Everything searches for: D:\docs\ abc | content:abc
(D:\docs\ AND (abc OR content:abc))
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

Thank you for a lesson

I am saving this in my Everything notes for a future reference
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Re: Recycle Bin items are omitted from search results

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with duplicate filter macros.
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