

This is very basic description and is likely to change...

Since the database is just a cache of the NTFS mft with some volume information, it can be re-built from scratch easily.

BZIP compression can be applied.

I usually see a total 11:1 compression ratio.

After BZIP decompression it should look something like:

0x00000000DWORD0x42445A45 or EZDB or (0x455A4442 or BDZE for byte swapped)
0x00000004DWORD0x01060006 or version 0xXXYYZZZZ x.y.z (major.minor.revision)
0x00000008DWORDflags: 0x00000002 exclude hidden files and folders. 0x00000004 exclude system files and folders.
0x0000000CDWORDfolder count
0x00000010DWORDfile count
0x00000014DWORDfolder decode size
0x00000018DWORDfile decode size

Followed immediately by the monitoring status for each volume.

There are 26 of the following structures, one for each drive:

0x00000000BYTEincluded: 0x00 there is no data for this volume so start reading the next volume. 0x01 continue reading the information for this volume.
0x00000001DWORDserial number
0x00000005QWORDUSN Journal ID
0x0000000DQWORDNext USN

Followed immediately by the exclude list count:

0x00000000DWORDnumber of exclude items.

Followed immediately by the exclude list:

Use the exclude list count from above to determine how many exclude items there are..

0x00000000BYTEexclude type
0x00000001DWORDlength of the exclude string
0x00000005length of the exclude stringexclude string

Followed immediately by the sorted folders:

We know the number of folders from above.

0x00000000BYTEdrive this folder belongs too.
0x00000005DWORDParent folder offset, or 0xFFFFFFFF if root.
0x00000009DWORDFRN offset
0x0000000DBYTEcode length, if 0 it is the same name, skip to the next folder after adding the same name.
0x0000000EBYTEcode offset
0x0000000Fcode lengthcode

Followed immediately by the sorted files:

We know the number of files from above.

0x00000000DWORDParent folder offset
0x00000004BYTEcode length, if 0 it is the same name, skip to the next file after adding the same name.
0x00000005BYTEcode offset
0x00000006code lengthcode

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