Everything 1.4 feature changes in Everything 1.5

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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Everything 1.4 feature changes in Everything 1.5

Post by void »

A list of changes to Everything 1.4 features in Everything 1.5:

* wildcard
Detailed tooltip
Full row select option
Always on top (Ctrl + T)
Underscore alpha-numeric/punctuation
Pasting multi-line text
Allow round bracket grouping
Fast ASCII search
Expand environment variables
Match path when search contains path separator
Right sidebar anchor
Filename underscore word character

* wildcard

In Everything 1.4, * will match any character any number of times.
In Everything 1.5, * will match any character (except / or \) any number of times.
In Everything 1.5, ** will match any character any number of times.

To match any character any number of times with: * in Everything 1.5:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select wildcards_star_all.
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.

Detailed Tooltip

In Everything 1.4, a detailed tooltip is shown when hovering over the icon or name text in the result list.
In Everything 1.5, a detailed tooltip is shown when hovering over the icon in the result list.

To show a detailed tooltip when hovering over the icon or name text in the result list in Everything 1.5:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select show_detailed_listview_tooltips.
  • Set the value to: Icon and text
  • Click OK.

Full row select option

In Everything 1.4, the Full row select option is under Tools -> Options -> UI.
In Everything 1.5, the Full row select option is under Tools -> Options -> Results.


In Everything 1.4, using a | will break your regex: search with the OR operator.
In Everything 1.5, regex: will eat the | character.

Use a space followed by | to break the regex: search with the OR operator in Everything 1.5.

Always on top (Ctrl + T)

In Everything 1.4, Ctrl + T will toggle always on Top.
In Everything 1.5, Ctrl + T will open a new tab.

To toggle always on top with Ctrl + T in Everything 1.5:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Keyboard tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show commands containing, search for:
  • Select View | On Top | Always.
  • Click Add....
  • Press Ctrl + T and click OK.
  • Click OK.

Underscore alpha-numeric/punctuation

Everything 1.4 will treat _ as alpha-numeric.
Everything 1.5 will treat _ as punctuation.

Pasting multi-line text

Everything 1.4 will AND each line.
Everything 1.5 will OR each line.

To AND each line in Everything 1.5:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select paste_new_line_op.
  • Set the value to: AND
  • Click OK.

Everything 1.5 will also group the entire pasted text inside < and >

To disable < and > grouping in Everything 1.5:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select paste_multiline_group.
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

Allow round bracket grouping

Everything 1.5 removes the Tools -> Options -> Search -> "Allow round bracket grouping" option.

This setting causes trouble with regex and makes it difficult to match valid filenames.

The setting can still be enabled:
  • Copy and paste the following into your Everything search box:
    (where 1=enabled and 0=disabled)
  • Press ENTER in your Everything search box.
  • If successful, allow_round_bracket_parenthesis2=1 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.

Fast ASCII search

Everything 1.5 removes the Tools -> Options -> Search -> "Fast ASCII search" option.

This setting is now disabled by default.
The setting no longer gives any noticeable performance increase.
The setting only works when enabling match diacritics.

The setting can still be enabled:
  • Copy and paste the following into your Everything search box:
    (where 1=enabled and 0=disabled)
  • Press ENTER in your Everything search box.
  • If successful, fast_ascii_search2=1 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.

Expand environment variables

Everything 1.5 removes the Tools -> Options -> Search -> "Expand environment variables" option.

This setting is now enabled by default.
Use &percnt:APPDATA&percnt: to escape environment variables.

The setting can still be disabled:
  • Copy and paste the following into your Everything search box:
    (where 1=enabled and 0=disabled)
  • Press ENTER in your Everything search box.
  • If successful, expand_environment_variables2=0 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.

Match path when search contains path separator

Everything 1.5 removes the Tools -> Options -> Search -> "Match path when search contains path separator" option.

This setting is now enabled by default.
There's no good reason to disable this setting as names generally cannot contain a path separator (\)
use name:\ to match \ in the name part.

The setting can still be disabled:
  • Copy and paste the following into your Everything search box:
    (where 1=enabled and 0=disabled)
  • Press ENTER in your Everything search box.
  • If successful, match_path_when_search_contains_path_separator2=0 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.

Right sidebar anchor

The preview pane in Everything 1.5 is anchored to the right side by default.
The preview pane in Everything 1.4 is anchored to the left side.

To anchor the preview pane to the left side in Everything 1.5:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select right_sidebar_anchor_left.
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.

Filename underscore word character

Everything 1.4 treats underscores in filenames as a word character.
Everything 1.5 treats underscores in filenames as a word break.

To treat underscores in filenames as a word character:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select filename_underscore_word_character.
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.
(requires Everything 1384+)

Am I missing anything else?
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