OneDrive "Status" column

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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OneDrive "Status" column

Post by eswul62 »

Up front, I very much apologize...

Vainly been searching what column to select so Everything would display the 'cloud-status' , meaning to say whether files are stored locally or online only.

In Explorer or Opus it looks like this
SnagIt-19082023 125830.png
SnagIt-19082023 125830.png (2.17 KiB) Viewed 6350 times
I am sure that I am overlooking earlier threads on this...

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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by void »

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention eswul62,

The correct property is Windows Property System -> Availability status (System.StorageProviderState)

However, Everything currently doesn't call RtlSetProcessPlaceholderCompatibilityMode so this always returns the wrong value of sync pending.

The next alpha update will set RtlSetProcessPlaceholderCompatibilityMode to PHCM_EXPOSE_PLACEHOLDERS and return the correct value.

I will make another post here once this is ready for testing.

I'll look into adding icons too.
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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by eswul62 »

Thanks for the above.
As you know files on OneDrive can be stored in 3 separate ways, online only, locally available, Always keep on this device.
See: ... -10-a.html

Files stored as online only show up on local HDD with the usual attributes (date-time stamp, size, etc.), i.e. they are 'searchable' (but not indexable)

Now, there is something strange. Something that I can not reproduce today. Not sure if it is something that is worthwhile bearing in mind.

After searching for a file that was initially stored 'online only' and when doing a preview of that file within Everything, yesterday the status would change from online only > locally available.

Today, the status remained online only, even after trying a few times.
SnagIt-21082023 072112.png
SnagIt-21082023 072112.png (163.49 KiB) Viewed 6314 times
Again, not sure if it is important, also not sure if indeed the status should indeed change in case of a preview.
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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by void »

Everything adds support for exposing placeholders.

This feature is enabled by default.

To disable support for placeholders:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select process_placeholder_compatibility_mode.
  • Set the value to: Disguise
  • Click OK.

With process_placeholder_compatibility_mode set to Expose (the default setting), the Windows Property System -> Availability status property will report the correct status.
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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by eswul62 »

Thanks a lot!

Will check it out.
Noticed I need to update: a few versions behind... :-)

Again, many thanks!
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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by jimspoon »

Suddenly I have files in my OneDrive folder on one laptop that are not uploading to the cloud. The same files do upload from a different laptop to the cloud. So the problem seems to be on this particular laptop. I've tried Unlinking and Relinking, and Resetting OneDrive. Still the files in question haven't uploaded. Now I've uninstalled and reinstalled OneDrive, and the file processing is in progress.

It seems that the cause of this sync problem can be a particular problematic file or files. I found a suggestion that these files can be located by looking for a "red circle with white X" icon in the Status column. ( ... 3fcf23b79b ) I guess I could search for such files in File Explorer, but I'm wondering if I could do the same thing much more efficiently in Everything.

I've added the "Availability Status" column to my Everything Results list and sorted by that column. Now so far I see that the files have one of several values in that column: Blank, "Available on this device", "Sync Pending", and one file has the value "Excluded (not synced)".

Is there a value that corresponds to the "red circle with white X" that means "cannot be synced"? Is there a way to search for the files that have a specific value in the "Availability Status" column"? I tried "availabilitystatus:" but that didn't work.

p.s. the laptop that is still syncing properly is running Windows 10, with a OneDrive version beginning 23.246. Oddly enough on that laptop, nothing is displayed in the File Explorer Status column. The laptop that's not syncing properly is running Windows 11, and has what appears to be an earlier OneDrive version, 23.226.1031.0003, but that is the OneDrive version that I downloaded tonight.

On the Windows 10 laptop, I just added the "Availability Status" and "System.SyncAvailabilityFlags" columns to the Everything results list to see if anything would be shown in these columns for some OneDrive files - both columns are blank for all files in the results list.
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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by void »

Please try the Windows Property System system.fileplaceholderstatus property.

File Placeholder status flags:

Code: Select all


To search this information, include the following in your search:



Right click the system.fileplaceholderstatus column header and click Search system.fileplaceholderstatus...

To search Availability status, include the following in your search:

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Re: OneDrive "Status" column

Post by void »

Everything improves cloud support.

A new status column is available.

Everything 1368a will no longer gather properties for cloud files by default.

This will fix an issue with Everything continuously trying to download cloud files.
Everything should no longer access cloud file content by default.
Everything should no longer be downloading cloud files by default.

Gathering properties for cloud files can be enabled with property_cache_exclude_recall_on_data_access.

To enable property_cache_exclude_recall_on_data_access:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: property_cache_exclude_recall_on_data_access
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

Test status file list:

The status column can be shown by right click the result list column header and checking Status.
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