[BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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[BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by rgbigel »

I have my Pics options set such that they are indexed via SHA-256.
when sorting this column (and likewise, when searching for duplicate SHA-256) sorting starts, but after some time, the message box asking if the sort should be aborted pops up. Entering Wait resumes sort (as does X-ing the message), but after some 10-20 seconds, same behavior: message box.
I can not tell if there is any sorting during this time, the progress indicator does not move visibly.
Cancel anwer does work, but obviously is not helpful.
I have not noticed such a behavior before
I do have very many pictures: some 200,000 or so. But restricting via 'dc:thismonth', reducing it to some 38k items, sorting does complete, but takes extremely long (10 minutes or so). However, now I get no message box.
Tried dc:thisyear after this. Now immediate response!
I dropped the dc: filter and now it is sorting again for about 8 minutes, then: message box.
Last potentially related change: after going from 1346a to 1347a, I added the option es:URL as ON, which does some index change (for whatever reason). I did not see a re-evaluation or any sort on the launch of Everything. I did see that all volumes were re-scanned, terminating without problem.
Where do we go from here?
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by therube »

I had a re-scan, going from 1344 to 1347, which I thought was unexpected (but maybe not, don't recall offhand where the "re-scan" jump was)?

I have to imagine that I do have ES protocol enabled.

Your times are WAY too long.

There is a 'fast sort' option in (SHA256) Properties.
Do you have that set?

I indexed SHA1 for pictures, did not enable fast sort, regularly SHA1 sort the (almost) entire set of pics (for dups), but have not run into any issues.
(Unsure offhand how many pics I have?)
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by rgbigel »

:roll: Hrmpf... looking at the context indexing options, i noticed ... they are all gone ...!
Don't ask me how this happened, but I'm now getting fresh ones.
Coming back to this post when it's done.
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by rgbigel »

Working on a subset of 50k pictures, the problem is completely gone. :D
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by rgbigel »

Well, not quite gone. The sort time appears to be watched, and when everything thinks it't too long, the message occurs again.
Tried this when sorting all pictures (filter) by System.VolumeId, which is not indexed here. The sort is very slow.
Windows indicates "no response"
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by void »

Everything 1347a will automatically rebuild your index to improve support for indexing file lists.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The automatic rebuild may occur for some alpha versions.

The Cancel current search/sort dialog is shown when you try to perform an action on a result while Everything is busy.

If the issue persists, could you please send a mini crash dump: Privacy
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by therube »

(Unsure offhand how many pics I have?)
1 million.
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Re: [BUG] Sorting causes Everything to stop responding (on SHA-256 Column)

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with indexing properties.

Please let me know if the issue persists.
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