Export current search parameters as ES command line syntax

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Export current search parameters as ES command line syntax

Post by Zefrem22 »

I've been getting to grips with ES, and the differences in the syntax from normal search within Everything and ES are tolerable but take some getting used to. I would be very useful indeed if I could right-click on the search field and have the option to copy the current search to clipboard as ES command line parameters.
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Re: Export current search parameters as ES command line syntax

Post by void »

The ES search syntax is exactly the same as the GUI search syntax.

You can copy your search from the GUI (Ctrl + C) and pass it to ES (right click in a command prompt/powershell).

You will need to escape the \ & | < > ^ characters with ^\ ^& ^| ^< ^> ^^

For example, escape:

abc | 123


abc ^| 123

If you have an Everything GUI search that is not working in ES, could you please post it here.

I will consider an option to copy the search with command prompt characters escaped (for ES use).
Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Export current search parameters as ES command line syntax

Post by Zefrem22 »

As an example of my thought process, here's a search that gives me all my PS4 PKG files:

*.pkg y:\ | z:\ | p:\PS4\PKGs\Game | p:\PS4\PKGs\Patch

The fully-qualified command line version for ES looks like this:

"c:\Program Files\Everything\ES.exe" -s -export-efu "d:\download\PYZ PS4 Games.efu" "Z:\
PS4\*.pkg" ^| "Y:\PS4\*.pkg" ^| "P:\PS4\PKGs\Game\*.pkg" ^| "P:\PS4\PKGs\Patch\*.pkg"

It's quite time-consuming to enter the full path to the ES executable, the parameters and the destination export file in addition to quoting long filenames and escaping the pipe characters.

If right-clicking could copy the entire command (including the full path and filename of ES) and possibly a custom set of parameters (eg. the destination .efu filename) that would be a huge time saver.
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