History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

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History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by therube »

History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

History -> Search:


what is that finding, or not finding?
what i want to find are searches where i negated ext:,
but instead it... ?
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by NotNull »

Finds all files without a file-extension

Finds everything minus files without a file extension.
Meaning: all folders + all files *with* file-extension

Add file: to your search query to limit the results to files with a file-extension.
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by therube »

What I was looking for, was "!ext:", literally.

(And once I was about the type that out, it was like, try quotes, & I think that is what I needed ;-).)

That said, !ext: (& again this is in History), while !ext: primarily returns results of files without an "extension", there are "exceptions".

uBlock0_1.16.4.3, extension of ".3"

"1mb .ini", a file that ends with <sp>.<ext>

Oh, that isn't a "file" that ends with a space, that is two "words" separated by a space.


So some seemingly "filenames" with "extensions" creep in there to?

So I'm telling it "not extension" & it is looking at... not "filenames" per se, so...
I'm now thinking that... heh, not quite sure, but...

OK, so !ext: (without quotes) filters out History entries that contain "!ext:" and "ext:".
And "!ext:" (with quotes) finds History entries that contain "!ext:".

(It's that latter that I was looking for.)
Got it.

(Exporting results, each way, & comparing, pointed out the answer.)

while !ext: primarily returns results of files without an "extension"
And the reason for that, is that I rarely actually type a file extension as part of my searches.
So a "file name" with an extension is a rarity in my search history.

OK, so !ext: (without quotes) filters out History entries that contain "!ext:" and "ext:".
Thinking the "!" is simply ignored.
At least as far as History is concerned, "!" is not NOT.
(Don't you love double negatives, or is that a triple.)
And all that is really being filtered is the string "ext:".
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by NotNull »

therube wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 5:43 pm That said, !ext: (& again this is in History)
Now I understand (missed the relevance of that) ...
Glad you got it figured out.
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by void »

The ! in the search history search means NOT.

Please use the following search:


and select !ext:

I will look into disabling the NOT operator (!) for the search history search.
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Undo History & NOTS (!)

Post by therube »

(While we're here, kind of, I'll just note...)

Undo History & NOTS (!)
(Undo History, different from History -> Search)

Just to note that a ! (NOT) in Undo History filters on the "old Name" & not (there's that word, again) on the "New Name".

So if your Undo History had:
Move | eac3to.zip | c:\out | eac3to_336.zip

A filter (Search:) of "!336" would not change (filter) anything cause "336" is found in the New Name & not in the "old Name".

(Odd how the '&' kind of looks like a "knot".)
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by NotNull »

therube wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 6:16 pm Odd how the '&' kind of looks like a "knot".)
From another thread:
NotNull wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:21 pm
void wrote: Sat Aug 14, 2021 8:44 am btw: This page displays a weird character in place of the more familiar ampersand symbol (for me at least)...
That will be the font that is used on the forum. Here it looks like:

Off topic:
This is more in line with the 'original' ampersand than the one on the keyboard, as it stems from the Latin word for and : Et.
With some effort you can even see the Et in it.
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by void »

Everything will now match a literal ! when searching for ! from the search history dialog.

So if your Undo History had:
Move | eac3to.zip | c:\out | eac3to_336.zip

A filter (Search:) of "!336" would not change (filter) anything cause "336" is found in the New Name & not in the "old Name".
Thanks for the issue report therube,

I'm aware of the issue with ! ORing the subterms.
Ideally ! should AND the subterms.

I'll put this on my Things to fix list.
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Re: History -> Search: !ext:, what is that finding?

Post by void »

Everything will now AND sub terms when using the NOT operator: !
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