Removing a column in results view removes the same home column

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Removing a column in results view removes the same home column

Post by Mizufluffy »

In Tools > Options > General > Home I have set up columns Name;Path;Size;Date Modified;Type.
By default these are showing correctly in the result view.
However, if I temporarily remove a column(s) either manually (right clicking column and deselecting it) or, for example, use a bookmark that has a different set of columns and is missing at least one of the home columns, and then when I revisit Tools > Options > General > Home, the removed column(s) have disappeared from the home columns list.

Steps to reproduce the issue:
  1. Set the home columns in the options: Name;Path;Size;Date Modified;Type
  2. Remove Path column from the results view (right click column title and deselect the column)
  3. Confirm in the options that the remaining home columns are now Name;Size;Date Modified;Type
This happens even if I add the missing column (between step 2 and 3) in the results view (manually or using a bookmark that adds the column) before checking the options.
Not limited to just Path column. I tried removing all but the Name column in the results view and then Name column was the only home column in the options.

What I expect to happen: Options do not change unless I edit Everything.ini, use special /here_is_something=0 commands in the search field or go to Tools > Options to change the options.

Everything version (x64)
OS Windows 10 Home
Posts: 17300
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Removing a column in results view removes the same home column

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report Mizufluffy,

Everything fixes an issue with home columns being removed.
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