open path by clicking on full line or name

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open path by clicking on full line or name

Post by harryray2 »

Is there a way of opening the path rather than opening a file when clicking on either full line or name column?

I'm just experimenting with various options to solve my copy file to multiple folders.

re: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=10238
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Re: open path by clicking on full line or name

Post by void »

Try changing the Open (Files) command:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Context menu tab on the left.
  • Select Open (Files)
  • Change command to:
    $exec("%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" /n,/e,/select,"%1")
  • Select Open (Folders)
  • Change command to:
    $exec("%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" /n,/e,/select,"%1")
  • Click OK.
To restore the open commands:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Context menu tab on the left.
  • Click Restore Defaults.
  • Click OK.

A childfilelist1: search might help...

childfilelist1: will search for folders that contain any of the filenames specified in the child file list slot 1.
  • Set the search to find your desired files (eg: ext:mp3 )
  • Select all the files (Ctrl + A)
  • From the File menu, click Copy Full Path to clipboard (Ctrl + Shift + C).
  • Change the search to:
  • Hold down Ctrl and click the childfilelist1: text.
  • Paste the filenames with Ctrl + V
  • Click OK.
    ---Everything will now list all the parent folders from the previous search---
    Paste into all the selected folders with the multi-folder-paste option enabled.
Posts: 1084
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:56 am

Re: open path by clicking on full line or name

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks, I'm already trying child: which is a good option as I can't highlight the folders column but my problem is I also want to list folders as well.

As you will see from the thread I've had some suggestions which I'm experimenting with.
Posts: 1084
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:56 am

Re: open path by clicking on full line or name

Post by harryray2 »

Unfortunately childfilelist is to convoluted for what I want to do.

The file(s) I want to copy over change each time...It looks like I'll have to use child:screenshot.csv | nopath:folder:screenshot until the select path option is implemented.

Thanks anyway.
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