Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by nikov »

Is there a search function or bookmark or any quick way to copy listed columns or export as efu?

Similar to:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

efu-export-column:Name;Size efu-export-path:C:\file.efu

I mean, any quick way will suffice.

Thank you.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by void »

Create a bookmark and set the search to:

/copy $name:&tab:$size:

Select your results and run this bookmark.

Please consider the following bookmark search if you want to copy all results:
/copy $name:&tab:$size:

/copy and /copy-header example

To copy all visible columns as TSV:
  • Select your results.
  • From the File menu, under the Copy Property submenu, click Copy as TSV.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by nikov »

void wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 7:21 am

Thank you very much and also for quick response.
It is working nice.

Also, a small issue:
I tried to make an efu file using this copied text by post-processing.
But I noticed Everything's exported efu file contains a CRLF at the end but using this copy method I cannot directly produce that CRLF at the end.
Is it safe to make an efu file without the CRLF at the end?

(I tried something similar to "/copy $name:&crlf:" but "/copy" command doesn't support that.)

Also, while creating the bookmark I encountered another problem:
The most recently added bookmark is added at the bottom of the list, it takes a long time to scroll if there are many bookmarks or screen is small.
Also, "Move Up" and click-drag method is very slow.
Shouldn't Everything put the most recently added bookmark at the top?
Is there a quick way to transfer this at the top?

Thank you.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by void »

Is it safe to make an efu file without the CRLF at the end?

I will also add the CRLF at the end in the next alpha update.
This will be consistent with copying as TSV in Excel.

(I tried something similar to "/copy $name:&crlf:" but "/copy" command doesn't support that.)
I will add support for &crlf:
For now you can use &cr:&lf:
This will add the last new line.
Unfortunately, it will also add an additional new line on all other lines.

Shouldn't Everything put the most recently added bookmark at the top?
I want to be consistent with web browsers and add to the end.

Is there a quick way to transfer this at the top?
Bookmarks -> Organize bookmarks (Ctrl + Shift + B)
Scroll down and select your last bookmark.
Hit Ctrl + X (cut)
Scroll to the top
Hit Ctrl + V (paste)
Click OK.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by nikov »

Thank you for the helps.

void wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 11:04 am Unfortunately, it will also add an additional new line on all other lines.
I noticed that, I tried to mean there should be a modifier/parameter to prevent appending newlines:
such as:

Code: Select all

/copy:nonewline: $name:&tab:
would create a list of filenames separated by tabs instead of newlines. Otherwise, user cannot do that.

"/copy-header" also adds a newline.

I tried to mean if any extra character or newline is added then there should be a modifier/parameter to remove it also.

void wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 11:04 am Bookmarks -> Organize bookmarks (Ctrl + Shift + B)
Scroll down and select your last bookmark.
Hit Ctrl + X (cut)
Scroll to the top
Hit Ctrl + V (paste)
Click OK.
Thank you. It's a lot faster compared to "Move Up" and click-drag method.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by nikov »

Everything version appends 2 CRLFs for "/copy-header".

Guess this was supposed to be added to "/copy" but instead this was added to "/copy-header" due to slip/typo.

Thank you.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by void »

Thank you for testing 1374a nikov,

Everything fixes an issue with /copy using a new line before each item, instead of after.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by nikov »

void wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 3:59 am
Thank you very much it is working nice. But I also asked: How to create a list of filenames separated by tabs instead of newlines?
Is there currently any quick way to do this with Everything?

That's why I was asking a no newline version of "/copy" and "/copy-header".
Something similar to "/copy-nonewline" and "/copy-header-nonewline".

Thank you.
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Re: Any quick way to copy or export only the listed columns?

Post by void »

There's no quick way to do this in Everything.

I will consider support for /copy-no-newline

Thank you for the suggestion.
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