Strange behavior

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Strange behavior

Post by cata_solo »

Steps to reproduce this strange behavior

1. Open Everything. In my case it is x64 portable version

2. Sort by "Date Modified" column - descending order

3. Select the very first file at the top, in my case an Excel file edited today. Right click on the row and run "Open Path"

4. Open the file with the associated editor. Just save the file without any modification

5. Go back to the Everything window

In my case, the content listed in the window was scrolled a lot, almost to the bottom. The file that I just opened and saved is no longer selected, but the directory that contained the file, even though the "Date Modified" column is sorted in descending order. The file I used is at the top of the list which is correct.

1. Why does the selection move to the directory instead of staying in place on the file?

2. When I sort by "Date Modified" column why is the listing split in two parts, files at the top and then directories? They should be ordered according to the modification date, it doesn't matter if they are files or directories.
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Re: Strange behavior

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report cata_solo,

1. Why does the selection move to the directory instead of staying in place on the file?
When saving in Excel, the existing file is renamed to a random filename, then the random filename is deleted.
Everything tries to keep your focus on this renamed file.
Because this renamed file is immediately deleted, Everything gets confused and doesn't see a valid date modified for the file.
Your focus ends up at the bottom of the file result list.

The next alpha update will keep your focus near your originally selected file.

2. When I sort by "Date Modified" column why is the listing split in two parts, files at the top and then directories? They should be ordered according to the modification date, it doesn't matter if they are files or directories.
Everything has two databases.
One for files, one for folders.
They are shown separately.

Enable Mix files and folders to show them both together (View -> Sort By -> Mix files and folders)
Enabling will make your searches a little slower.
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:38 pm

Re: Strange behavior

Post by cata_solo »

Thank you very much @void for the help related to the question #2.
Posts: 17276
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Strange behavior

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with the focus position being lost when the file is deleted.

As for saving in Excel, the focus in Everything is not kept on the original filename as the file is renamed, deleted and a new file is created.
Everything tries to keep your focus on the renamed file.
The focus is lost when this renamed file is deleted.
This update will keep the focus position 'near-by' the original filename.
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