1351 Crash - OOM

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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1351 Crash - OOM

Post by therube »

1351 Crash - OOM

Wasn't paying attention.
Copied (don't even know) a "few" file - ah, actually I do have that...

Code: Select all

New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6).txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6).txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6).txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6).txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6) - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6) - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (6) - Copy.txt
... a few file /names/ to clipboard.
Then pasted same into Everything search (box).

And crash.

Not concerned.
Surprised, a bit (that my seemingly small data set caused an issue).
Yes, using x86 version, & (I think) it was at, yes, 1.84 GB of RAM at the crash.
(And since it happened, just throwing up the .dmp.

And even more surprised.

Fired up Everything.
Search History had the search, which (now) completed, without issue?
Maybe instead of from Search History, the actual Paste played in?
Ah, yes it does.
Pasting said file names into Search box (again) causes crash.

Source file name (total) length (pasted) is 958 chars (exclusive of any added " & | & <sp>).

Looks like Search History (exported to .csv) shows only 531 chars of length (so it is truncated).
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Re: 1342 Crash - OOM

Post by NotNull »

therube wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 8:14 pm New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
New Text Document-big - Copy - Copy - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.txt
If you quickly need to create a couple of big files:

Code: Select all

for /L %i in (1,1,9) DO fsutil.exe file createnew dummy%i.txt 1234
(creates dummy1.txt .. dummy9.txt, each with size 1234)
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Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by void »

Thank you for the crash dump.

The x86 version of Everything has a limit of 2GB of RAM.
Showing thumbnails with the x86 version will quickly reach this limit.

Close the search window to clear your thumbnail cache.
I do have on my TODO list to add options to limit the size of your thumbnail cache.
-Currently Everything will use all your RAM until there's none left!

Typically, Everything will silently fail when a large allocation fails (over 1MB)
However, Everything will crash with a fatal error when a small allocation fails.

Is using the x64 version an option?
-The x64 version does not have this 2GB limit.
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Re: 1342 Crash - OOM

Post by therube »

The x86 version of Everything has a limit of 2GB of RAM.
I understand that.
But even that is a red herring, I believe.
Open Everything, fresh, paste in said search, & RAM quickly raises.
Showing thumbnails with the x86 version will quickly reach this limit.
Nothing to do with thumbs, in this case.
(Maybe at the time, Thumbnails were enabled, but I don't believe they played into this.)

In the span of, literally, a few seconds, RAM jumps from 100 MB to 1.8 GB (with a subsequent crash).
(I guess I should have started a new thread for this.)
Everything 100K CRASH.png
Everything 100K CRASH.png (7.31 KiB) Viewed 17359 times
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Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by therube »

x64 (1280, older version that I happened to have on hand).

RAM jumped from 100 MB to 10 GB, in seconds (before I killed the process -).
(I didn't wait to see if it would crash.)
Everything 100K CRASH x64.png
Everything 100K CRASH x64.png (7.95 KiB) Viewed 17355 times
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Re: 1342 Crash - OOM

Post by therube »

If you quickly need to create a couple of big files:
Actually, they were more then a couple, & they were small ;-).
100K files, actually, & mostly 0-bytes each.
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Re: 1342 Crash - OOM

Post by NotNull »

therube wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:55 pm Actually, they were more then a couple, & they were small ;-).
Ah, the "big" in the filenames was a decoy! Totally fell for it..

FWIW: Whenever I need lots of dummy (zero bytes) files, I use something like:

Code: Select all

for /L %i in (1,1,10000) do @set dummy=> file%i.txt
(10000 new files in under 5 seconds)
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Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by therube »

(As it was, I simply Ctrl+a [select all], Shift+INS [paste], repeatedly [in Salamander].
A bit more then 5-seconds, but still quick nonetheless.)

(Heh. There is a 1 hour time diff between the board post time & the time displayed from Process Hacker - DST.)
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Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by void »

There is something odd going on here.

I was able to reproduce the issue once.

Everything seems to get stuck in an allocation loop when highlighting a result.

I haven't been able to reproduce the issue again and am still looking into the issue..

In the meantime could you please send your Help -> Troubleshooting information to support@voidtools.com

This might help me produce the issue my end.
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Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by therube »

Code: Select all

Everything: (x86)
OS:	Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin:	0
Service:	1 (connected / installed and running)
Command line:	-instance 15
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\Everything-15.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\Everything-15.db
Instance:	15
Config:	match_path=1
Config:	show_mouseover=0
Config:	dupe_group_colors=1
Config:	include_selected_folder_size_in_statusbar=0
Config:	auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config:	input_stream_buf_size=0
Config:	output_stream_buf_size=0
Config:	open_many_files_warning_threshold=16
Config:	close_on_toggle=0
Config:	path_hit_text_only=0
Config:	rename_move=1
Config:	search_edit_move_caret_to_selection_end=0
Config:	bring_result_focus_into_view_on_sort=0
Config:	scale=1.150000
Config:	hscroll_div=3
Config:	hdrop_file_format=1
Config:	show_window_on_monitor_from_cursor=1
Config:	utf8_bom=1
Config:	efu_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	txt_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	csv_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config:	size_format=1
Config:	size_number_format=4
Config:	show_detailed_listview_tooltips=0
Config:	jump_to_timeout=999999
Config:	bookmark_open_action=0
Config:	db_update_thread_priority=-1
Config:	refs_file_id_extd_directory_info_buffer_size=0
Config:	content_buf_size=0
Config:	content_multithreaded_max_memory_percent=50
Config:	filter=EVERYTHING
Config:	filter_everything_name=Everything
Config:	filter_visible_count_max=0
Config:	preview_icon=1
Config:	treeview_labels=0
Config:	inc_run_count_on_drag_drop=1
Config:	search_history_always_suggest=1
Config:	search_history_add_delay=3000
Config:	search_history_add_on_kill_focus=1
Config:	nav_max_selection=1024
Last edited by void on Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: trimmed log
Posts: 16078
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by void »

Thank you for the troubleshooting information.

I have found an issue with highlighting complex expressions.

I will post a fix soon.
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Re: 1351 Crash - OOM

Post by void »

Everything fixes a crash when highlighting complex terms. also:

Improves highlighting performance and fixes an issue with highlighting terms after an OR expression.
Adds a highlight_max_or_paths ini setting to control how many additional OR paths to highlight.

To set a limit on how many OR paths to highlight:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select highlight_max_or_paths.
  • Set the value to: 65536
    Where 65536 is the maximum number of OR paths to highlight.
    The default is 256.
    0 is unlimited.
  • Click OK.
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