Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

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Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by data »

If i want to show the Property "Opened by" Everythin stops working.
Everythingserver Index is also used.
Posts: 16078
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Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by void »

Gathering the list of processes and opened filenames is CPU intensive.

Everything will updated this list every 1 second.
It might be taking longer than 1 second to build this list, causing Everything to hang.

Could you please check the debug output:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, check Console.
  • Right click the result list column header and click Add columns....
  • Select the Opened by property and click OK.
  • What is shown in the debug console when Everything hangs?
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Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by data »


I have done so. The property added.
Then, if i scrolled to the right, to see the property "opened by" it crashes.

See Screenshot from Console.
Screenshot 2021-10-06 222557.jpg
Screenshot 2021-10-06 222557.jpg (149.49 KiB) Viewed 12858 times
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Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by void »

Thank you for the debug output.

Unfortunately, (most likely due to the crash) no timing information is available.

Is a crash dialog shown? -If so, could you please send a mini crash dump to when the crash dialog is shown.

I will add more debug information for the next alpha update to try to catch the issue.
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Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by void »

Everything adds more debug information when gathering opened files which may help identify the issue.

Could you please check the debug output with this version:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, check Console.
  • Right click the result list column header and click Add columns....
  • Select the Opened by property and click OK.
  • What is shown in the debug console when Everything hangs? (please send to as it will list process filenames)
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:17 am

Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by data »


With new V1.5.0.1279a the debug console output shows:
2021-10-08 15_39_09-!#rec proc sysintern - Everything (1.5a) (Keine Rückmeldung).png
2021-10-08 15_39_09-!#rec proc sysintern - Everything (1.5a) (Keine Rückmeldung).png (36.84 KiB) Viewed 12704 times
The dump-output with process Explorer goes to your
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Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by void »

Thank you for the crash dump and logs.

The crash dump shows a hang in GetFinalPathNameByHandle.

This hang is a common issue with this function call.

I have put on my TODO list to use GetFileInformationByHandleEx instead.
Posts: 16078
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Property "opened by" crashes V1.5.0.1278a (x64)

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with searching for or displaying the Opened By property causing a hang.

Everything will now use NtQueryObject and QueryDosDevice to avoid this hang.
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