How to only search files created?

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How to only search files created?

Post by ty505 »

Hey there, so I'm new to the Everything program.

How can I search only .png files I've created - is that possible?
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by raccoon »

Without knowing any special tell tales about the pngs you create and what they all have in common with each other, that stands out, it's probably not that easy to identify. However, if they each contain metadata from your camera, or if they're all a certain width/height (again, because of your camera), or if they were all created and modified within a certain time frame, then we can start to narrow things down a bit. Maybe they were all created in the same software, and that software left behind a watermark in the file header/metadata.
‰PNG........IHDR...J...è.....®âFŸ....gAMA..¯È7.Šé....tEXtSoftware.Adobe ImageReadyqÉe<..›IDAT
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by void »

Generally it's not possible to determine the creator of a png file.

Some of the following features that are in development may help:

I'll add support for the png Software property in the next alpha update.

I'll also add support for the png Author property which might help (depending on the software you are using).

Downloaded png files will usually have a Zone.Identifier alternate data stream name.

The Owner property might help (the Username that created the file).
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by void »

Everything adds support for the following png properties:


Currently, only tEXt and iTXt chunks are supported.
zTXt chunks are not yet supported.

You may find the Software and Author properties useful.
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by raccoon »

I don't have a personal use/interest as yet, but I noticed "tIME" in there when I read through it the other day. That one seems like it would have a demand.

> tIME Image last-modification time
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by void »

I have put this on my TODO list.
Thank you for the suggestion.

I would like to support Creation Date too, but found there's no time standard.
tIME does appear to have a specification.

The Source property would also be nice.
However, I haven't seen a single png file that uses this property.
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by raccoon »

I assume in the context of encoding an image stream, at least, that the last-modified tIME is effectively equivalent to a creation-date time, since it's written out as a new file by probably every single encoder. I've can't think of an encoder that "modifies" a PNG file, nor a graphics suite that uses PNG as its project files... in the way that one might modify a .txt or .xls or .psd file. So I think it's the same timestamp in practice.
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by void »

I've seen Creation Date as the same format as the tIME chunk and as literal text, eg: Thurs, 20 jan 2022

png specs say Thurs, 20 jan 2022 is the preferred syntax, but is not required.

I think it would be safe to support just these two formats to cover most pngs.
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Re: How to only search files created?

Post by void »

Everything support for png tIME property.

Please use the Media Created (also known as Date Encoded) property to access the png tIME property.
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