Window positions

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Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

I've written a batch file to open two windows of Everything at the same time.
At the moment both co-ordinates are the same and the Windows open slightly offset from one another.

Is there an easy way to open the windows side by side or above the other or do I have to play with the co-ordinates until I get it right?
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Re: Window positions

Post by therube »

Command line parameters:

Code: Select all

	-x <x>
	-y <y>
	-width <width>
	-height <height>
		Set the window position and size in screen coordinates.
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Re: Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks, yes, I know how it works...Just trying to see if there's an easier way.

I'm trying various coordinates but it's proving to be hit and miss.

Also, something I don't understand is why, although I have the same coordinates for both windoes they are opening slightly offset to each other.

-new-window -x 200 -y 200 -width 800 -height 600
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Re: Window positions

Post by therube »

I'll only guess that that is a Windows doing?

So you might need to compensate for subsequent windows that you open.

So you might need something like: -new-window -x 200-(#win*3) -y-(#win*3).
That's assuming there is a 3px offset.
And you'd have to "count" the number of existing Everything windows (#win) such that each new would overlap each other.

tasklist | grep -i everything.exe | wc -l

grep is a "search", wc is a "word count". In my case, it returns 6 (currently).

How can I prevent Chrome from offsetting newly opened Window?
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Re: Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

The offset isn't really a problem as I'm going to change the postions anyway, it was mostly curiosity.

It look like I'm just going to have to experiment with the coordinates until I get the right position (similar to Windows "show windows side by side" or "show windows stacked")
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Re: Window positions

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report harryray2,

There is a bug preventing -x 200 -y 200 -width 800 -height 600 from working with -new-window.

I will post a fix soon.
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Re: Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

Actually I don't mind the offset as one window doesn't completely hide the other.

Do you know the coordinates I would use to have two windows of that width and height show neatly side by side and the coordinates of showing the windows, one above the other, again of that width and height?
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Re: Window positions

Post by void »

Currently you can only set one window position.

I am working on a fix.
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Re: Window positions

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with setting the window position from the command line with -new-window

The window position is in screen coordinates.

The following will position two new windows side by side:
Everything64.exe -x 200 -y 200 -width 800 -height 600 -new-window
Everything64.exe -x 1000 -y 200 -width 800 -height 600 -new-window

These calls assume Everything is already running.
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Re: Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks for that..I've been trying to get one window above the other but they keep overlapping.

Could anyone recommend a good programme for screen coordinates?
I'm using Nirsoft but wondering if there are any more decent one's.

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Re: Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

If I have several windows open with different search criteria, on exiting, then restarting Everything at a later time, I lose these Windows.

Is there a way, on opening Everything, to restore these Windows with the search criteria intact?
If there is, I can't find a way of doing it.

If I only have a couple of Windows, I can do this with two separate instances but it's clumsy, I'm restricted to two Windows and each instance has different settings.
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Re: Window positions

Post by void »

Currently, the previous session is lost.

A Restore session feature is in development.
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Re: Window positions

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks, great.
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