Ability to Search Tags

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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by starshows »

Now it is perfect. Thanks.
void wrote: Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:28 am tuska and I ran into this too..

I will consider allowing searches with your custom property name. However, there will likely be conflicts with other search functions and even worse, with paths.

For now, please define a macro:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    /define mytag=custom-property-2:
    If successful, you should see mytag=custom-property-2: in the status bar for a few seconds.
    Searching for mytag: is now replaced with custom-property-2:

Consider mapping your ntfs_diz stream to the Everything tag property:
property_alternate_data_stream_ansi=tag=<ntfs_diz tag name>
where <ntfs_diz tag name> is your NTFS_diz tag name.
For example:

This way you can search with tag:
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Everything adds support for summary information property sets.

Reading properties from the standard SummaryInformation stream is enabled by default.
To disable, set the summary_information ini setting to 0.

Directory Opus stores tags and comments in the SummaryInformation stream.

Everything also improves support for the Directory Opus star rating property.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Everything adds the option to view property values for the currently selected file.

To view property values for the currently selected file:
  • In Everything, right click the result list column header and click Add columns....
  • Right click the property list column header and check Preview.

The Preview column visibility is not remembered for performance reasons.
It will need to be re-enabled each time the Select Property dialog is shown.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by tuska »


Many thanks for this preview function! :)

This makes it much easier to search for the field name you need as a column heading
[or as the search parameter "Canonical Name"]!
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by raccoon »

void wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:50 am Everything adds the option to view property values for the currently selected file.

To view property values for the currently selected file:
  • In Everything, right click the result list column header and click Add columns....
  • Right click the property list column header and check Preview.
The Preview column visibility is not remembered for performance reasons.
It will need to be re-enabled each time the Select Property dialog is shown.
Bugish: If you show the Preview column, and then hide the Preview column, or select a different Property category, or refine the list of Properties with a search term... Everything will continue grinding through all the originally displayed Properties including all of the CRC/MD5/SHA hashing. The expected behavior is for it to abruptly abort what it's doing if that Property is no longer visible on the screen, or if the Preview column has been hidden.

Request: When the Preview column is shown, display a text label element at the bottom that says "Previewing X:\full\path\of\filename-being_previewed.ext"

Alt Request: Display a button on the bottom left that says "Preview" that will then make the Preview column header visible, and then display the filename fullpath in a label to the right of that button when clicked. So this feature can be more easily discovered.

Request: Make the Add Column window modeless + always-on-top so that the user can click between different files in the Everything main window to be previewed.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Currently, closing the Select Property dialog will cancel any pending property value from being gathering.
If there is currently a property value being gathered, the Select Property dialog will wait until it completes.
The preview column is currently added to assist with debugging. (hence why this column must be shown each time the dialog is opened)

What I plan to do:
Move the property request thread to a global thread (not per Select Property dialog) so the Select Property dialog doesn't block when closed.
Allow termination of gathering the current property value. (where possible)

Thanks for the suggestion.
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