Semi-regular crash

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Semi-regular crash

Post by richiek »

Running v1243, I've found that leaving the application open for a while that I come back to it and it's disappeared. The Windows Event Viewer app shows this:
Faulting application name: Everything64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6050a78d
Faulting module name: Everything64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6050a78d
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000056736
Faulting process id: 0x1332c
Faulting application start time: 0x01d71c45b55b0989
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe
Report Id: 8da11ddd-5300-4b7e-b3ea-9b6ed5d7a68a
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
What would be the best way to diagnose this crash?

Many thanks,
Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by void »

Thank you for the crash report Richard,
I come back to it and it's disappeared
The stack is corrupted, which will make this tricky to debug..

If you ever see a crash dialog, could you please: It might be stack corruption from a shell extension.

Please try disabling shell extensions in Everything and see if the issue persist:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    where 1 is enabled (default) and 0 is disabled.
  • If successful, you should see icon_shell_extensions=0 in the status bar for a few seconds.
  • Type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • Does the issue persist?
What is shown in Tools -> Debug -> Statistics? -Just so I have an idea of your setup.
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Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:07 am

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by richiek »

I had another crash since that last report and I've not ever seen a crash dialog, but if I do I'll certainly report the minidump.
I've also turned off shell extensions and started it up again - we'll see if that resolves the issue.

I am content indexing quite a few things so I wonder if that might be part of the issue. If it crashes again I'll turn shell extensions back on and switch content indexing off.

Statistics (some small mods to keep things slightly more anonymous) :

Code: Select all

Location:	%LOCALAPPDATA%\Everything\Everything-1.5a.db
Indexed file properties:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified, Content
Indexed folder properties:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Fast sorts:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Index folders as files:	No
Folder count:	1,181,664
File count:	17,703,606
Total item count:	18,885,270
FAT index count:	0
NTFS index count:	0
ReFS index count:	0
Network drive index count:	0
Folder index count:	2
File list index count:	0
Network index count:	0
Total index count:	2
Folder data size:	44,333,656 bytes
File data size:	1,018,189,505 bytes
Total data size:	1,062,523,161 bytes
Averate folder data size:	37 bytes
Averate file data size:	57 bytes
Folder index size:	9,453,328 bytes
File index size:	141,628,864 bytes
Total index size:	151,082,192 bytes
Total size:	1,213,605,353 bytes
Folders created:	172
Folders modified:	2,768,395
Folders deleted:	74
Folders moved:	47
Files created:	399,490
Files modified:	1,076,378
Files deleted:	344,984
Files moved:	168,405

Enabled:	Yes
ID:	VOID: removed
Size:	1,019,460 bytes
Max size:	1,048,576 bytes
First item ID:	337096
Next item ID:	343983
Item count:	6,887

Count:	25
Total duration:	25:28
Minimum duration:	0.001856 seconds
Maximum duration:	334.151772 seconds
Average duration:	61.153901 seconds
Last duration:	27.742379 seconds
Last build date:	19/03/2021 12:23 PM
Last rebuild reason:	Structure changed.

Count:	1,394,584
Total duration:	11:31
Minimum duration:	0.000000 seconds
Maximum duration:	0.654046 seconds
Average duration:	0.000495 seconds
Last duration:	0.000185 seconds
Last update date:	19/03/2021 12:26 PM

Count:	1
Total duration:	00:04
Minimum duration:	4.522177 seconds
Maximum duration:	4.522177 seconds
Average duration:	4.522177 seconds
Last duration:	4.522177 seconds
Last load date:	19/03/2021 12:23 PM

Count:	2
Total duration:	00:11
Minimum duration:	5.407875 seconds
Maximum duration:	5.642242 seconds
Average duration:	5.525058 seconds
Last duration:	5.407875 seconds
Last save date:	16/03/2021 11:12 AM
Next scheduled save date:	20/03/2021 4:00 AM

Count:	245
Total duration:	00:26
Minimum duration:	0.000003 seconds
Maximum duration:	2.442083 seconds
Average duration:	0.107806 seconds
Last duration:	0.137638 seconds
Last query date:	19/03/2021 12:23 PM
Total result count:	567,908,155
Minimum result count:	0
Maximum result count:	20,307,470
Average result count:	2,317,992
Last result count:	0

Count:	0
Total duration:	
Minimum duration:	
Maximum duration:	
Average duration:	
Last duration:	
Last sort date:	

Folder Index
Path:	C:\<path1>
Index number:	0
Out of date:	No
Disk device index:	2
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	712,658
File count:	10,856,679
Last rescan date:	19/03/2021 12:23 PM
Last rescan successful:	Yes
Last successful rescan date:	19/03/2021 12:23 PM
Last successful rescan duration:	00:02:17.358
Next scheduled rescan date:	20/03/2021 3:00 AM

Folder Index
Path:	C:\<path2>
Index number:	1
Out of date:	No
Disk device index:	2
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	469,006
File count:	6,846,927
Last rescan date:	16/03/2021 7:46 AM
Last rescan successful:	Yes
Last successful rescan date:	16/03/2021 7:46 AM
Last successful rescan duration:	00:12:00.295
Next scheduled rescan date:	17/03/2021 3:00 AM
Last edited by void on Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed journal ID
Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by void »

Thanks for the information Richard,

What does your Content option page look like Under Tools -> Options -> Content?
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:07 am

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by richiek »

In abstract terms:
Include only folders: **\<dir1>;**\<dir2>;**\<dir3>;**\<dir4>;**\<dir5>;**\<dir6>;**\<dir7>;**\<dir8>
Exclude folders: **\<dir9>
Include only files: *.fea;*.feb;*.fec;*.fed;*.hlsl;*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cs;*.py;*.txt;*.inl;*.tem;*.vcxproj;*.csproj
Exclude files:
Maximum size: 10MB

Is there any way to force the crash dialog?
Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by void »

Enabling crash dumps for Everything may (unlikely if you are not seeing a crash dialog) generate a crash dump for you:

Please see Crash Dump Help for more information.

Please try the To manually enable mini crash dumps for Everything on Windows 7 or later instructions.
For Everything 1.5 you will need to replace Everything.exe with Everything64.exe
Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by void »

Thanks for the content information.

Please try adding your text/plain file types to Everything's text/plain list to avoid using iFilters.
Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by void »

Thank you for the mini crash dumps Richard,

The crash dump shows Everything crashing when trying to access a file that was excluded after it was renamed in the index.

Please try the latest Everything 1.5 Alpha.

Version fixes a crash when a renamed file would be excluded.

Please let me know if the crash persists.
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:07 am

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by richiek »

WONDERFUL! I'll give that a try now.
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:07 am

Re: Semi-regular crash

Post by richiek »

Since updating I haven't yet experienced this random crash, so I'm guessing they were all to do with this renamed file issue you've fixed!

Thanks again,
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