Everything > 1319, -filelist, crashes Everything

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Posts: 5074
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Everything > 1319, -filelist, crashes Everything

Post by therube »

Everything > 1319, -filelist, crashes Everything

Everything > 1319, x86 (are what i have to test with)
CRASHES Everything
- /if/ Everyting is not already running

(Quit Everything)
Everything -filelist <filename>
Everything -filelist xxx

contents of <filename> are immaterial, it only need exist

-filelist CRASHES Everything - /most/ times (on my end, at least)

/sometimes/ (very, very, very, few) times, filelist will open successfully


while we're here, i'll note that
-filelist & -file-list are both valid (though help does not say so)
(& likewise, both will cause crashes)

Code: Select all

2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: disconnected from service
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Name: Everything
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Version: (x86)
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: IsAdmin: 0
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Service: 6
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Command line: -debug-log -filelist xxx
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1331 - Copy\Everything.exe
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1331 - Copy\Everything-1.5a.ini
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1331 - Copy\Everything-1.5a.db
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: Instance: 1.5a
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: load localization
2022-12-18 08:34:51.114: load image lists
2022-12-18 08:34:51.149: sys img list 004e2360 00535398 1 0
2022-12-18 08:34:51.149: load fonts
2022-12-18 08:34:51.150: default font MS Shell Dlg 2 -11
2022-12-18 08:34:51.150: load everything icon
2022-12-18 08:34:51.151: create mutex
2022-12-18 08:34:51.151: StartService 1056
2022-12-18 08:34:51.151: load property system
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: property system loaded 0.005517 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load bookmarks
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load 0 bookmarks 0.000030 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load filters
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load 8 filters 0.000056 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load macros
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load 0 macros 0.000018 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load search history
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load 1 search history items 0.000067 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: load property values
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: property override loaded 0.000001 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.157: create system tray icon
2022-12-18 08:34:51.161: create ui
2022-12-18 08:34:51.163: theme not cached
2022-12-18 08:34:51.167: WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000, lastfocus 00000000, current focus 00000000
2022-12-18 08:34:51.167: FOCUS 0 
2022-12-18 08:34:51.167: FOCUS restore
2022-12-18 08:34:51.171: back buffer grow 784 x 24 in 0.000034
2022-12-18 08:34:51.171: cached oneclickactivate 0
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: enter setfocus
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: leave setfocus
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: clear queries
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: clear is available
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: clear db
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: REMOVE _db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes stop thread
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes stop get fd thread
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes remove events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes free events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes remove got fd events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes free got fd events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes after update events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: read_directory_changes free monitors
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify stop get fd thread
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify remove events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify free events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify remove got fd events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify free got fd events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify after update events
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: shell_change_notify free monitors
2022-12-18 08:34:51.173: new thread (0)
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: rebuild thread started
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: build fs list
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: using guid \\?\Volume{f3fc665b-d4e6-4a51-a1b7-09c64c792a24}
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: open volume \\?\Volume{f3fc665b-d4e6-4a51-a1b7-09c64c792a24}
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: opened 00000240 0.000050
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: device id \\?\Volume{f3fc665b-d4e6-4a51-a1b7-09c64c792a24} 1
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: RDC START 00000000 0
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: init existing folder to create folder...
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: create index to create index lookup table.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: backup folder parents and convert folder parents to folder index number.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: backup file parents and convert file parents to file index number.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: build existing folder lists.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: 0.000003 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: build existing file lists.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: build indexes
2022-12-18 08:34:51.174: new thread (1)
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: LOCK 1
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: INDEX 1
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: Indexing FILELIST C:\DEV\Locate\15.1331 - Copy\xxx
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: items 1
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: loaded filelist 0.000170 0.000170
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: index: 0 folders, 0 files
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: UNLOCK 1
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: clear old db
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: copy config copy
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: exclude folders
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: exclude files
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: create folder indexes, excluded orphaned folders.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: allocate file indexes, removing orphaned files.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: file count: 1, excluded: 0, no parent: 0
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: removed 0 orphaned files in 0.000008 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: folder count: 4, excluded: 0
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: removed 0 orphaned folders in 0.000007 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: 4 folders, 1 files
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: sort folder indexes.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: folder name sort: 0.000003 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: sort file indexes.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: sort file names indexes: 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: removed 0 dupes in 0.000000 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: setup indexes.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: setup file systems: 0.000015 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: setup folders.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: setup files.
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: other folder sorts: 0.000009 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: Other file sorts: 0.000005 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: setup files: 0.000012 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: setup folders: 0.000019 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: create db time taken: 0.001352 seconds
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: add monitors
2022-12-18 08:34:51.175: success 
Posts: 17276
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything > 1319, -filelist, crashes Everything

Post by void »

Thank you for the crash report therube,

Everything is crashing when updating the status bar indexing text.

I will post a fix soon.
Posts: 17276
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything > 1319, -filelist, crashes Everything

Post by void »

Everything fixes a crash when loading a file list.
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