unable to create new entries in exclude list

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Everything 1.5 1322

I've been trying to exclude folders in exclude..I've used add folder, navigated to folder I want to exclude, then clicked OK. The folders appear in the list, but after pressing OK and re-opening the exclude box, the excluded folders have disappeared.

The folders I've excluded previously, some weeks ago, are still there, but new entries aren't 'sticking'
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by froggie »

also: remove does not work, exclude_list_enabled=1 is always set, even when turned off in the UI.

Updating everything.ini directly works as expected.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Yes, same here, remove isn't working either.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report harryray2,

This will be fixed in the next alpha update.
I will have an update soon.

I am currently working on group policy support and it looks like this has broken a few things.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Great, thank you.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Any idea what else is broken in this version, or is it mainly the exclusion list?
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by void »

I have rewritten the following settings for 1322/1323:
  • Folders
  • Network Indexes
  • Properties
  • Exclude folders
Looks like it's just exclude folders that are broken..
There's some minor issues with Network Indexes.

I have been working on Network Indexes today, I need to sort out these minor issues before I push out an update.
Hope to have an update soon.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Thank you. Fortunately, exclusions only relate to one of my instances.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with saving exclude folders.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks for the new version...

I've added a fair few exclusions but it's still painfully slow in indexing. Is there a way, rather than excluding, to create a 'whitelist' of files.

It's a lot easier to put folders in that I want indexed, rather than excluding one's that I don't want indexed.

As I mentioned previously, I don't really want that many folders excluded from being searched, but there are an awful lot I don't want, or need, property indexed.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by void »

To include only the specified folders for property indexing:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Properties tab on the left.
  • Select your property.
  • Change Include only folders to a semicolon (;) delimited list of folders to include.
    for example:
    C:\windows;C:\Program Files;C:\users
    Only files in the above folders (or in subfolders of the above folders) will be included.
  • Click OK.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks David, just to clarify before I start entering a load of entries. It will work if I disable the exclude list so that Everything searches all entries, and I enter only the (few) folders that I want property indexed?
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by void »

Click the ... button to the right of Include only folders to make it easier to add your folders.
Files that are not in these folders (or subfolders of these folders) are excluded.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

I've only just noticed an entry on the index menu 'add results omissions to the index exclude list'.
Does this do the same job?

If it does, it would make things a lot easier.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by void »

No, this will add your Omit Results to your Index Exclude List.

From the sounds of things you are trying to avoid adding to your index exclude list.

You can drag-drop folders into the folder list editor under Tools -> Options -> Properties -> [property] -> Exclude folders -> ...

Click the edit exclude folders list button.

Drag-drop into this list.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Apologies, I'm mixing this up with the properties exclude folders section, but yes, I am trying to avoid manually entering files and folders into the properties exclude section, but it appears I have no alternative.
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Re: unable to create new entries in exclude list

Post by harryray2 »

Oh yes, of course...I really have reached a new level in my quest to become a complete moron.

Thanks David.
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