Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by kotenok2000 »

Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch Joint search of ODLS12 with Gerasim project 1.00 on boinc.
I was able to mitigate it by setting everything64 priority to realtime.
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by NotNull »

Does rakesearch generate a lot of changes to files (temporary files, logging etc)?
Everything updates in real-time and that might be "too much to handle".

A quick test to see if this might be the case:
  • End or pause your rakesearch activity
  • In Everything, Menu:Index > Pause Property Indexing
  • Menu:Index > Stop Updating
  • Start or unpause your rakesearch activity
    Does Everything ' hang' this time?
  • Menu:Index > Update Indexes
  • Menu:Index > Update Indexed Properties
If Everything did not 'hang' this time, you might try to exclude the specific folder where boinc/rakesearch put their files. (under Menu:Tools > Options > Indexes > Exclude).
Does that keep Everything ' alive'?
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by kotenok2000 »

I excluded e:\programdata\boinc it continues hanging. doesn't hang.
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report kotenok2000,

Could you please send a minicrash dump when Everything hangs?
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by kotenok2000 »

File has been sent.
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by void »

Thank you for the mini crash dump.

The crash dump shows Everything trying to perform an action on the database.
However, the database is in a "busy" state.
Everything will hang until the database is in a ready state.

I cannot determine what the database is currently doing from the mini crash dump.
It doesn't appear to be doing anything, so there might be an issue with Everything reporting the database as ready.

Could you please send some debug output:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    (this will show a debug console)
  • Get Everything to hang.
  • What is shown in the debug console?
    (Right click the console window title bar and under Edit, click Select All and right click the selected text to copy it to the clipboard)
  • Please send this text to support@voidtools.com
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by kotenok2000 »

I have se4nt two logs. One with everything64 using normal priority and other using real time priority.
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by void »

Thank you for the logs kotenok2000,

The logs show Everything is waiting a very long time for the database ready event..

There's currently an issue with Everything 1.5 reporting the database as ready when there's limited CPU resources.
This will be fixed in the next alpha update.

For now, setting the db_update_thread_priority to normal appears to fix the issue:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If successful, db_update_thread_priority=0 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.
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Re: Everything (x64) hangs when i run rakesearch on boinc

Post by void »

Everything improves responsiveness when the CPU is busy.

Previously the priority of Everything was reduced to below normal while waiting for the db ready status.
Now the priority is set to normal.
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