Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by raccoon »

This is a long standing bug and I've never really been sure how to report on it, but I encounter it quite often.

In the simplest terms, it can be described as edits not immediately taking effect, even after pressing enter. I first have to hit backspace and then try the edit a second time.

In the majority of cases, this is when editing a simple modifier (eg: == to !=) or negating a function by putting "!" in front of it. Nothing will happen, even if I press enter, so I backspace and try again and now it works.

This happens with bookmarks, appended bookmarks, typed and pasted queries. Not every time but much of the time.

It does happens each and every time when using the following bookmark.

Code: Select all

"M:\" video: sha512sum-sha-512: regex:ads-ansi:"sha512=(\w+)" nocase:sha512sumsha512:==regmatch1:
If I click to the spot I wish to edit and change the "==" to "!=" (backspacing the first =), or negate any of the functions with the "!" prefix, nothing happens the first try. Backspace and try again and it will work.
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Re: Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report raccoon,

Could you please send some debug output:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Start Debug Logging.
  • Search for:

    Code: Select all

    "M:\" video: sha512sum-sha-512: regex:ads-ansi:"sha512=(\w+)" nocase:sha512sumsha512:==regmatch1:
  • Change the == to !=

    Code: Select all

    "M:\" video: sha512sum-sha-512: regex:ads-ansi:"sha512=(\w+)" nocase:sha512sumsha512:!=regmatch1:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Stop Debug Logging.
    ---this will open your Everything Debug Log.txt---
  • Could you please send this file to
Posts: 1017
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:24 am

Re: Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by raccoon »

Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by void »

Thanks for the debug logs.

I am looking into the issue.

When you captured this log, did changing the == to != above cause the issue?
A brief look shows the total number of results changed by 2.
Posts: 1017
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:24 am

Re: Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by raccoon »

Yes. And you're right. The == query displays 13104 results. The != query kicks it up to 13106. When backspacing and trying != again, it displays the (correct) 2 results only.

99% of the time, there should only be 0 results in the negated query. So it usually never increases, but remains unchanged. I do have 2 new bitrot files today.

So the bug seems to be that the modified query does not blank out the search results from the original query, merely appends to them.
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Re: Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by void »

The search modifiers for the property comparison operation are not initialized correctly.

It could be causing this issue.

I will post a fix soon.
Thanks for the bug report.
Posts: 16080
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Strange bug with search bar edit responsiveness

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with initializing search modifiers for property comparison.
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