Unremovable Name column

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Unremovable Name column

Post by Mizufluffy »

I'm a little bit curious why the Name column seems to be unremovable.

When right clicking column header to add, orginize etc. them, 'Name' is shown as active but uneditable. If I go to 'Organize Columns' and remove 'Name' column from there and click OK then 'Name' column stays and nothing seems to happen. Also, I have my Music bookmark selecting columns Title;Artist;Album;Length;Audio Bit Rate;Size;Date Modified;Type but no Name and Name still appears. (I'd like to add Stem column but having both Name and Stem at once doesn't really provide anything useful)

The reason why I would like to sometimes get rid of the Name column is to replace it with Stem column, especially when looking at my music library, because Stem has no file extensions but Name has so it looks better in a situation where I either know all files have the same extension or the extension does not matter.

As a side note, bookmarks tend to act differently depending on if you use a macro or keyboard shortcut or from the menu. I didn't notice any difference between the last two but when using a macro it will be able to add missing columns but does not hide columns not listed in selected columns of a bookmark unlike keyboard shortcut or selecting from the menu does.
For example, if I normally have Name;Path;Size;Date Modified;Type columns and use music: macro then columns are Name;Title;Artist;Album;Length;Audio Bit Rate;Path;Size;Date Modified;Type. However, when selecting bookmark from the menu or using a keyboard shortcut, the columns are otherwise the same but without Path column.
I would understand if multiple macros were being used at the same time and they were conflicting with each other (although in that case the first or the last could perhaps take the priority?) but is there a reason why it happens with just one macro?

Using Everything on Windows 10 Home.
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Re: Unremovable Name column

Post by void »

The Name column is not removable.

Please try hiding extensions instead:
  • In Everything 1.5, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If successful, Everything will show hide_extension=1 in the status bar for a few seconds.
The bookmark columns not hiding is a bug.
I have put this on my Things to fix list.
Thank you for the bug report.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:22 am

Re: Unremovable Name column

Post by Mizufluffy »

I mean, yeah, /hide_extension=1 does the job but the thing is I like seeing extensions basically 99% of the time so having to switch between /hide_extension=0 and /hide_extension=1 does not seem like an ideal solution just for a few special cases. However, I think I found somewhat decent way to deal with this. I changed my bookmark columns to Stem;Title;Artist;Album;Length;Audio Bit Rate;Size;Date Modified;Type;Name. Now Name does not appear as the first column. While it may not be the ideal solution, this at least allows me to "hide" the name column all the way to the right side where it won't be bothering me.

However, when using a macro the order of the columns does not reflect on the order set in the bookmark. In reality, when using a macro, I see Stem;Title;Artist;Album;Length;Audio Bit Rate;Name;Path;Size;Date Modified;Type. When using a keyboard shortcut or selecting from the menu the real order is Stem;Title;Artist;Album;Length;Audio Bit Rate;Size;Date Modified;Type;Name which is correct.
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Re: Unremovable Name column

Post by void »

I have put on my Things to fix list: bookmark columns using the wrong order from macros.

Thank you for the bug report.
Posts: 17286
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Unremovable Name column

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with setting columns from a bookmark macro.
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