Ability to Open With $Recycle.Bin items.

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Ability to Open With $Recycle.Bin items.

Post by therube »

It might be nice to have the Ability to Open With Recycle.Bin items (where size <> 544)?

Sometimes you want to "open" a recycled item without first moving said file out from Recycle Bin.
Now, you can do that (already) via drag&drop.
But if your wanted drop (to) program is not yet open, it would be convenient to be able to 'Open With'.

Name (real name) doesn't concern me, particularly.
Simply an easier way to access a deleted file.
(Size, date, extension are generally enough to know if I'd have an interest in a particular file.)
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Re: Abiltiy to Open With $Recycle.Bin items.

Post by void »

It would be nice if you could make the default action 'open' in Windows Explorer.
I couldn't find a registry entry to make this work..

Work around:
Ctrl + Shift + C in Everything to copy the full path and filename.
Start -> Run
Paste + Open

I'll look into an option to open files with the same method.
However, this might break the default open behavior of other files.

To see the real name, show the Display Name column:
  • In Everything, right click the result list column header and click Add columns...
  • Select Display Name and click OK.
You could also search for the original name with displayname:
For example:
\$recycle displayname:original-filename.txt
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Re: Ability to Open With $Recycle.Bin items.

Post by NotNull »

.. and if you want to show the Date Deleted and Original Location too:
  • Right-click a result-list column header.
  • Choose Add columns ..
  • In the left pane of the Select Property window, select Windows Property System.
  • In the Search: field, type recycle.
  • Select both found columns.
  • Click OK.
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Re: Ability to Open With $Recycle.Bin items.

Post by void »

Everything adds an option to disable executing items as an idlist.

When disabled, opening files from the recycle bin will open them with the default program, instead of showing the properties window.

To disable shell execute id list:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If Successful you should see shell_execute_id_list=0 in the status bar for a few seconds.
Please note that opening other files may have undesired effects as Everything will no longer use the default verb.

I have added a $shellexecute function to the context menu command.
Using $shellexecute instead of $exec would do the same as shell_execute_id_list=0

Customizing the right click menu with this new command is on my TODO list.
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