How can I temporary disable folders of volumes?

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Posts: 51
Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:23 pm

How can I temporary disable folders of volumes?

Post by rando »

I do have a few network folders monitored by Everything.
However I don't want to use them always (and don't want to include them in the ouput)

If I remove a folder, the folder must be added again when I need it.
(That's what I do now).
Is there no way to disable one or more folders temporary?

If not.. something like this would be possible in a future release?
[X]C [X]D []H (network folder)]
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Re: How can I temporary disable folders of volumes?

Post by NotNull »

Couple of options I can think of:
  • Create a filter (MEnu:Search > Organize filters):
    - Name = JustLocal
    - Search = C:\ | D:\

    and make that your default filter (Menu:Tools > Options > Home: Filter = JustLocal).

    Whenever you want to search your network files/folder, enable the Everything filter, giving you ALL files/folders.
    The files/folders on your network will be added to your database in this case, giving you instant results when needed.
  • Use IndexThis.That does create a temporary database of a folder or complete disk, but that won't be saved to disk. Can be found somewhere on this page
Posts: 51
Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:23 pm

Re: How can I temporary disable folders of volumes?

Post by rando »

Thank you very much!
I think it would be easier to use a checkbox for ever drive in order to activate or disactivate a drive (like total commander drive button bar).
However your solution is very nice.
Thank you very much for your time dedicated to my question.
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