Browsing inside the app insted of Windows File Explorer

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Browsing inside the app insted of Windows File Explorer

Post by guiso98 »

Tried looking for it at the settings, did not find it

1. If I chose, inside Everything of course, one folder and double click on it, it opens in a new Windows File Explorer .
Can you make it to browse inside Everything instead? Also a couple of .. for going one level up would be necessary on top.

2. Similarly, in the search results, when you right click on a file, can you add an option called something like "browse folder" so that it browses to the folder containing that file? -same screen described in 1 above-

The idea with the two requests above is, when you have several similar results, to be able to browse each of the folders to make sure you find the right one. Or when you remember the name of a file sitting in one folder and you need to check what else is in there... All without spawning Windows File Explorer windows...

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