Shift-Drop on Side Folder Title to also clear search

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Shift-Drop on Side Folder Title to also clear search

Post by meteorquake »

One of the most common tasks is that you search for a folder, then drag it from the results onto the Folderbar title so that it sets the Folders position.
This though leaves the search with its text that causes the chosen folder's results to be blank, so you have to go to the search bar and clear it.
* Can I recommend that **Shift**-Dragging an item onto the folder bar title not only sets the folder bar as present but also clears the search. No-shift would maintain the current same action where the search text is kept. I think Shift-clicking "Explore in Everything" right-click menu (on a folder) could do the same...
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Re: Shift-Drop on Side Folder Title to also clear search

Post by void »

I will consider an option to Shift-Drop onto the folder title bar to clear the search.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I am also exploring right-click drag-drop options onto the search box and main window frame.
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