Count of occurrences from Content:

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Count of occurrences from Content:

Post by ChrisGreaves »

MenuSearch07.png (62.88 KiB) Viewed 3685 times
Please see also Column that provides Count of Properties with Values
I note "plain text line count" in result List contents columns when I have invoked Content, but a search turns up little of use.

In the screen shot above I have used Everything to narrow down a Result List to just 26 objects by judicious use of the Content: Search Function.

At this point to determine where I need to focus my attention I must open each MSWord document and eyeball the text or use a basic Word/VBA macro to develop a COUNT of occurrences of my string "filter" within the text of each document.

Question 1: When Everything executes a content search, does it stop at the first satisfaction of the content string?

Question 2: if the answer to question 1 is YES, then might we have access to a time-expensive option to COUNT the occurrences of the content string and make that available as a column (marked in yellow)?

I understand that execution time may go up by a measurable amount, but frankly I don't care a hoot about Everything's execution time. Nor does the paying client when I am cleaning up thousands of legal documents. ((( At the rate I bill they will send a clerk out to buy tomorrow's laptop just to be able to use computing power and get me off their invoices system ASAP! )))

I suspect that many other IT types do not own the documents for which they search; either the documents are technical support documents (and who knows what is in them) or else employee document sets (such as the ones I convert and clean). In my screenshot above I have a pretty good idea where I should add my latest findings on "Filters", but that is only because these are my documents, by chance.

With "Content:" Everything has access to the text within a document; it seems a shame not to use that access to produce some serious decision-making information available to the user.

Thanks, Chris
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