Multi Rename - extra % codes?

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Multi Rename - extra % codes?

Post by meteorquake »

For the advanced multi-rename, it might be useful to have a % code that represented the order clicked to make the selection eg %C
So you would click the files, press F2 to rename and put %C as the start of, or whole, name part, and if there were a scale and step (it could ask when %C is detected) they could come out as 110.jpg 120.jpg 130.jpg etc. The step of eg 10 allows the easy insertion of intermediates without redoing the process (which can be done by a sort and repeat).
This would be useful for any task that eg involves sorting photographs in a specific file order for viewing / slide show / sending to others / uploading to social media etc etc. I currently do this in thumbnail mode by typing numbers against each one manually, which I do a lot of, and have a renumbering VBS script on a folder-click to tidy the numberings due to any insertions.
In terms of implementation because names might switch around (from a previous order) there may be temporary collisions which are dealt with either by after any renames were successful relooping to try any fails (repeat until no more renaming occurs) or more systematically by looking up (recursively) if anything needs to move into the name when anything is renamed (the renames having been computed before renaming begins). Then there's true switches / rotations of names which involve naming one or several (lazily, all) of the fails away first to avoid them being left over as fails.

Other more obvious rename codes if not already raised/implemented could be similar to the Advanced Copy codes mentioned, so eg %M in the renamer would represent modified time. It's very useful in the example of %M to have photos actually named with the date-time they were taken (eg 2020-03-27-56-12-09 so they maintain their identity through all sorts of transformations, equally people might want to rename their music by the embedded artist, and so on. Some of the codes like %M would be readily doable or more useful than others so I would think the "high value" codes would be the ones I would think would receive any focus.
Obviously two files might get assigned the same name during the precomputation (even with modified date - a FAT32 camera system will store photos taken in quick succession with the same TS) and when that's the case, a counter is added to make the precomputations unique.
Currently I have this on a folder-right-click VBS script as I find the task so useful, especially as photo names from a camera are usually not very meaningful...

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Re: Multi Rename - extra % codes?

Post by void »

I will consider a %c (clicked index) property.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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