Question about searching content using the ext: parameter

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Question about searching content using the ext: parameter

Post by burma »

I created a Word .docx file and put "voidtools forums" in the content. It found the file instantly when I did a content search and I didn't even have to use ext:docx in the search parameters.

As soon as I renamed the file with the .doc extension, the file was not found unless I used ext:doc in the search parameters.

Why does the ext: parameter need to be used for one extension and not another?

Also, since the renamed .docx file is not truly a .doc file, it seems like Everything is only looking at the file extension and not the actual file type. Is that true?

Last, is there a way to tell Everything look at all files when doing a content search, regardless of the extension?

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Re: Question about searching content using the ext: parameter

Post by void »

Everything will find file content with the extension associated iFilter.

This will likely fail if you rename a docx file to a doc file.

If the iFilter fails, Everything will fall back to a binary content search.

Why does the ext: parameter need to be used for one extension and not another?
Hard to say, Everything is probably still performing a binary content search.
Please check the status bar.

What version of Everything are you using?

Also, since the renamed .docx file is not truly a .doc file, it seems like Everything is only looking at the file extension and not the actual file type. Is that true?
The extension will determine what iFilter is used to search content.

Last, is there a way to tell Everything look at all files when doing a content search, regardless of the extension?
Do you mean use every single available iFilter to search your content?
Everything doesn't have an option to do that.

Here are a few Everything 1.5 functions to specify the content type:


You might like to combine some of these:
ansi-content:"voidtools forums" | utf16-content:"voidtools forums" | utf16be-content:"voidtools forums"
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