Customizable Button Bar

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Customizable Button Bar

Post by eyhabb »

Appreciate a button bar to place all my most used functions for 'one press' access. For example, I bounce around between views and it would be nice to just press a single button to switch than hunt in drop down menus and context menus. Thanks.
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Re: Customizable Button Bar

Post by void »

A customizable toolbar is on my TODO list.

Thank you for your suggestion.
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Re: Customizable Button Bar

Post by meteorquake »

This will be handy. Although I tend to use the keyboard, when it comes to photo albums I do use the mouse a lot for scrolling etc, I may be at a little distance to let others see the screen, and the mouse is certainly used for right clicks, so when in such "mouse mode" it's very useful to have a button bar.

I think it would be worthwhile thinking about what standard items should be on it...
* Certainly for me buttons for: the Folder View and Preview Pane; a button to toggle between last active thumb view and details view and back (Ctrl-Mousewheel is otherwise useful for changing thumb size). Sort by Path, Name, Modified, Size.
* For me the ability to place the buttons in line with the menu is helpful as it saves a line of screen. I liked the old MSOffice menus where you could freely put text, icons, and text-with-icons just as you wish as they were all treated as the same type of thing.

To be fair they aren't very far away using menu clicks, but having something uncluttered, visually coloured, that's exactly the items you want to see and use can't be beaten, as lots of items of occasional use tend to thwart work flow, which is why I'll tend to use Notepad2 rather than Notepad++ for a lot things.
Everything isn't too cluttered in that respect, but, looking ahead, the more functionality comes to be added, the more there may also perhaps come to be a use for customisable menus and a command searcher/runner for obscure/occasional commands and settings that otherwise get buried in submenus and subtabs somewhere.

Cheers, David
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Re: Customizable Button Bar

Post by void »

I would like to put the details/thumbnails buttons in the status bar / bottom-right.

Back / forward buttons will likely be a part of the Navigation bar.
Match case, diacritics, whole words, path, prefix, suffix, punctuation, whitespace and regex will most likely be on the Search options bar.

I would like to use the same toolbar customization as the old Office.

Thank you for the suggestions.
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