Advanced Copy Path...

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Advanced Copy Path...

Post by meteorquake »

I don't think this option is currently present but under Edit - Advanced -
can I recommend an item
Advanced Copy Path...
that applies to the selection and copies to the clipboard; but you would put in a copying template and click OK
eg %(digit) could be the first N levels (so %0 would be the drive), %f=full path, %p=parent, %n=name, %t=tab, %m=modified, %s=Size, %c=created, $code; would be some multicharacter attribute eg $artist; or $11; to have the first 11 levels (unlikely of course!), and %% would represent % and %$ represent $ --- or something similar. Some way for copying subparts eg $(int):(int); eg $2:-4; which would take from level two until 4 from the top, and $-2:-1; would provide the parent folder name preceded by its parent.
%p would therefore be $0:-1; and %f=$0:;
Examples -
%f would copy the items' full paths
"%f" would copy the items' full paths enclosed in quotes
"%p\" would copy the items' parent (folder) paths with trailing slash enclosed in quotes
"%p"%t"%n"%t%m would copy quoted-path then a tab then quoted-name then a tab then modified date
and so on
Perhaps an option to remove duplicates (useful when copying paths)
I think a lot of people would probably benefit from such an advanced way of copying their selection and could assign a short cut to the dialog for regular use, and it could remember the last few templates used in a drop list
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Advanced Copy Path...

Post by void »

I will consider %f, %p, %n, %t, %m, %s, %c... shortcuts.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Posts: 15806
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Advanced Copy Path...

Post by void »

Everything adds the following secret macros for the multi-file renamer:

%f = full path.
%o = total filename count.
%n = name part.
%p = path part.
%s = size.
%e = extension.
%m = date modified.
%c = date created.
%a = date accessed.
%b = attributes.
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