programs that create custom properties that Everything could use

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programs that create custom properties that Everything could use

Post by jimspoon »

It would be great if we could define our own file properties and then use them as search criteria, sort criteria, and columns in Everything. So I'm looking for programs that give us a means to do this. Just now I discovered a custom file properties mechanism in Microsoft Office. Here (well buried!) is a custom properties dialog in Microsoft Word:


To bring up this dialog, click File > Info > click the tiny down arrow next to "Properties" > Advanced Properties > Custom tab. I filled in the Name box with "Custom", and the Value box with "test", then the Add button. The Property then appears in the list of in the bottom part of the dialog box. Could Everything use this "Custom" property? Unfortunately, after adding this property, and saving the file, the "Custom" property still doesn't show up in the File Explorer Details pane, or the file properties page Details tab.
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Re: programs that create custom properties that Everything could use

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback jimspoon,

I will look into support for custom office properties.
Thank you for the suggestion.

I am assuming custom office properties will only work for docx and xlsx files.

Everything does have support for custom property values.
However, custom values are currently buried behind CSV files.

Custom properties can be added to Everything with the custom_property_0 - custom_property_9 INI settings.

Custom property example.

A Property Manager UI is in development.
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