Help/suggestions fileversion compare

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Help/suggestions fileversion compare

Post by Corvus71 »


Everything is such a lifesafer! I user it everyday and it is the best program I have ever seen and used.
I have a task now in which I have to compare a list of files (400+) against a big drive to find out if newer versions of a file exists.


word file with long title v1
other pfd file with longer title (v2)

Normally I would enter this part in everything:'word file with long title' (without quotes) and it would show me every comparable file and I would check for higher version numbers

However my list is 400 files long.

Is there an easier way to do it?
Maybe put the commandline version in an excel macro and have everything show all results of one search behind the initial search sentence?

'word file with long title' --> word file with long title v1.docx, word file with long title v1.pdf, word file with long title

I tried the new advanced search and the file list but it does not work when the files to search do not have a file extension.
So it does find explorer.exe but not explorer

I hope someone has a great idea!
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Re: Help/suggestions fileversion compare

Post by NotNull »

So, what exactly does your list of files look like? (no need to post all 400 files; just an impression) and what files should be found?
At this moment, it looks like you can't use the 'filenames' from the list, as searching for "other pfd file with longer title (v2)" will not find "other pfd file with longer title (v112)", so you have to manually manipulate that list somehow.

With the current available information, I think I would create a long search query and save it as a bookmark. Something like this:

Code: Select all

X:   <word file with long title>|<other pfd file with longer title>|<something else>

You can use double quotes if you are certain words are always in the same order:

Code: Select all

X:   <"word file with long title">|<"other pfd" file with "longer title">|<"something else">

There are better options, like scripting, but not with this limited information.
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