everything config: disk signatures

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everything config: disk signatures

Post by myNameIsJonny! »

I use everything portable on windows 7, on different base vhd's, with different signatures.

I think this is one reason why there's always a reindex. I'm going to try setup a couple of different DBs, including one that keeps my disconnected external drives indexed.
To stop an inevitable reindex, can I exclude the C: volume, and will the database remain instantly available on program load?

I'm thinking about maybe using a symbolic link / junction to point back to the local drive's appdata, which is like reverse-logic (I'm excavating as much appdata as possible, keep the base footprint down etc), but happy to do whatever works...

Finally (slightly off topic) I use everything portable's ini to configure this stuff... Is there a way to link to everything.exe and include (as a switch) the desired config file?
(Guessing not, thinking about trying batched inifile changes if/when necessary... anyone tried anything similar?!)
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Re: everything config: disk signatures

Post by therube »

I use everything
everything.exe and include (as a switch) the desired config file?
Help | Command Line Options

Code: Select all

-config <filename>	The filename of the ini file.
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