Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

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Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by KernalCheddar »

We host everything on a server in our business and have it indexing our network shares. on user computers, the network shares are mapped and used frequently. the problem is that we index the full UNC path of the shares, so when a user is in the mapped drive and tries to use the context menu to right click search with everything, the program doesn't realize it has that folder indexed, it thinks it's different because it's mapped.

we keep all of our drive letters the same throughout the company. is there any way for us to tell everything that the 2 paths are the same? the shares are large and I would really like to avoid indexing every share twice (once for the unc path, once for the mapped drive path)
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Re: Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by NotNull »

More info on that on the ETP support page ( http://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/etp/ )

Especially the "ETP Client path rewriting" section might be of interest.
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Re: Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by KernalCheddar »

I'm not sure that was exactly what I was looking for. let me explain a little more specifically.

on our etp server, we have the folder "\\server\data\info" indexed.

on the client side, they have the "\\server\data\info" folder mapped to the T:\ drive.

if the client browses in windows explorer to "\\server\data\info" and uses the folder context menu to right click and search with everything, they can search the files in that folder.
However, if the Client browses to "T:\", which in explorer shows the exact same files, and tries to use the folder context menu to search with everything, they will not be able to view any of the files.

I tried adjusting the ETP Client path Rewriting options, but all that seems to have done is if the client searches directly from the "\\server\data\info" folder, Everything shows everything inside with a path starting with T:\, but they still cant search directly from the T drive.

Does that make more sense?
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Re: Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by NotNull »

KernalCheddar wrote:Does that make more sense?
Yes, that does! :-)
I don't have an "instant solution", but will look into it (interesting question ...). Probably next week.
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Re: Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by KernalCheddar »

Just checking back in to see if you've had any thoughts on the problem.
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Re: Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by therube »

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Re: Everything doesnt know unc path and mapped drive are the same

Post by NotNull »

KernalCheddar wrote:Just checking back in to see if you've had any thoughts on the problem.
Well, a "bit" more than a week later ... (real life intervened in a big way) :

I actually do have some thoughts on the matter. Don't know if it is what you want to hear, but I post them anyway :-)

As you already found out: the Client path rewriting does only affect the display of the search results. If the ETP server indexed \\server\share, searching for T: instead of \\server\share will not give you any results.

I can think of 2 ways to get server and client " in sync":

1. Let the server index (only) T: instead of \\server\share
2. Convert the T:\... path to \\server\share\... before it reaches Everything.exe

1. Let the server index (only) T: instead of \\server\share
If everyone uses the T: mapping instead of the UNC path, you might just as well skip indexing the UNC path and index T: on the server.
This is done by creating a SUBST'ed drive: SUBST T: D:\DATA
Remove the folder indexing for \\server\share and add NTFS indexing for disk T:
Bonus is that updating the index when using NTFS indexing is automatic and instant. Folder indexing requires a rescan schedule.

2. Convert the T:\... path to \\server\share\... before it reaches Everything.exe
In the default setting, the command is: "C:\path\to\Everything.exe" -path "%1"
this can be found in under the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Search Everything...\command

If you change that command to:

Code: Select all

cmd.exe /c for %%x in ("%1") DO for /f "usebackq tokens=3*" %%y in (`net use %~dx ^| findstr "\\"`) DO start "" "C:\path\to\Everything.exe" -path "%%y%~pnxx"
it will translate T:\folder to \\server\share\folder and start "C:\path\to\Everything.exe" -path "\\server\share\folder"
(you have to change the path to Everything (C:\path\to\Everything.exe) to your situation)

You can now also use client path rewriting to display T: instead of \\servre\share in the results (not tested, though)
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