Things to do (TODO)

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Things to do (TODO)

Post by David »

Thank you for your suggestions!

"Things to do" list for a future release of Everything:
  • Everything Server
  • multi-line thumbnail text
  • Auto include removable volumes options in installer
  • exclude options for -create-file-list
  • -export command line option -this will probably be added to the command line interface.
  • Paste to path context menu
  • Toolbars / toolbar search buttons / toolbar customization
  • Full context menu customization
  • Quick add / remove folders from index
  • option to index ETP server
  • native NAS indexing support
  • mp3 bit rate columns etc.
  • Secondary sorts.
  • highlight complex wildcard searches.
  • cancel right click menus when they take too long to load.
  • review adding folder to index that doesn't exist.
  • update folders indexes when index folder's media changes.
  • webdav server
  • Index menu, dynamically update, add folder to or remove folders from the index.
  • Automatic indexing of folders typed in the search box.
  • improve USN journal processing, we could batch multiple USN entries together.
  • outline color support for detail view and outline color customization
  • ETP command to monitor changes
  • Scroll bar on suggestion list
  • allow Everything filter to be deleted.
  • show bookmark/filter keyboard shortcut duplicates
  • ETP highlighting
  • improve indexing when a file exclude filter is used
  • portable file list editor with more features
  • auto suggest paths with auto complete command
  • location bar / location tree pane
  • use a different color for offline files / folders
  • add own delete / rename / copy / move dialog
  • add own cut / copy / paste dialogs to allow for edit -> undo
  • optimize large selection masking
  • fuzzy logic searching
  • relevance sorting
  • content: function should add results as they are found.
  • Thumbnail adornments
  • taskbar integration
  • compressed database in memory
  • the file list editor should launch Everything.exe -editor we just need to figure out how we store settings
  • exclude list like noscript, exclude list, temp exclude list,
  • fix run count increase from double clicking path.
  • track folder indexes by volume guid if its a drive letter folder only, eg: folder index of E:\
  • large page support ... 85%29.aspx
  • search option to expand environment variables, eg expand:%APPDATA%
  • support shell: folders. See also ... l-folders/
  • import option for the file list editor.
  • sql interface?
  • unix/android/mac port.
  • option to copy selected to clipboard and start new search?
  • vim wildcards?? * = any char except /\ ** = any char.
  • preview pane option in bookmarks and home?
  • SHGetFileInfo is going to disk for .exe, .lnk and .ico files when SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES is used.
  • parent: should search for folders in worker thread so it doesnt block the ui thread (cant cancel old search.)
  • reload file list button in Tools -> Options -> File lists so we dont have to monitor changes and can reload filelists manually without having to do a force rebuild.
  • when in preview for mp4 / pdf we no longer recieve keydown messages.
  • namepartdupe:ext:mp4;avi -find MyMovie.avi and MyMovie.mp4 -What I would love to do is: ext:mp4;avi namepartdupe: where namepartdupe: would find duplicate name parts from the results. -this might have limitations where namepartdupe: would have to be the last search term
  • search button when search as you type is disabled.
  • dm:-dc:>100minutes etc.. arithmetic on search functions
  • Levenshtein distance ld: function set threshold in ini.
  • normalization table option? word table[65536]?
  • I need to add an update now button when NTFS monitoring is disabled
  • ICustomDestinationList for pinned taskbar app? could list search history and run history.? -doesnt work at all on windows 10, seems fine on windows 7. could only add "tasks" couldnt add custom categorys
  • details pane, like in explorer, so for thumbnail view we can see size, date modified, path etc each on its own line.
  • built in text viewer for windows xp. -future release maybe?
  • export options. have two columns like in BM. << add >> remove.. could have size in bytes, formatted size in KB etc..
  • add all opened files/folders to the "jump list".
  • path suggestions when typing out a absolute path, ie d:\games\... etc
  • usn event use some sort of cache for the last item -avoid doing this since we need to update the new date modified.
  • add outline color customization
  • add border color control for thumbnails to ui options.
  • ftp command monitor, send the command, server waits for an update, replies when it gets one, send any other command from the client cancels the monitor.
  • add a new translation string for the copyright string, but this time use a variable for the year.
  • scroll bar on suggestion list
  • make everything filter deletable, if there are no filters, just use the predefined empty everything filter. also make import add duplicated everything filters. -this does simplify things and removes the complex "smart" everything filter
  • I will look into adding support for allow the search edit text to be included in the filter, rather than ANDed with it.
  • show bookmark keyboard shortcut duplicates in add new shortcut key.
  • allow path column as drop targets, drop a file into the specified path. -this could be very dangerous.
  • etp highlighting with * escapes like in IPC? -not possible since our search returns the entire list. -we would have to do a SEARCH_HIGHLIGHTED command that returns the entire list as highlighted
  • use folders to group bookmarks -temporary ini option to use "menu_folders"
  • try to exclude files before we add them to the index. -we could be excluding files at this stage!
  • check if aero mode is doing something crazy when we bitblt multiple times, is it syncing each blit?!?, maybe we should have an option to use a huge back buffer and do a single blit? -rewrite renderer so we allocate/draw then entire backbuffer at once.
  • when a user types in a absolute path that is not indexed, add it to the temp index?, ie user types \\tv\ which is not indexed, so we grab just the folders in \\tv\, that way we could quickly paste something in \\tv\uploads without it being in the index..
  • multiline text for thumbnails
  • fonts and colors dialog needs to be larger for italian. -i'm thinking of using double lines for the default radio button, and another line for the custom and selection. This should be easy to implement now, since the options page resizes for the indexes tab.
  • I will look at allowing resizing and query in a future release... -need to check is_busy and wait til new_results to do the ui_size / ui_paint, this still doesnt help when scrolling or pressing keys... might need a better approach, will leave as is for now.
  • portable file list editor
  • everything cgi for existing web servers.
  • ctrl + space to auto suggest paths, so we have type d:\mu , ctrl + space would change that to d:\music\, or if multiple options are available, show a list of possible paths. (search must start with a root path), we should do this with the auto indexing of unindexed folders, ie typing in \\tv\ will start indexing \\tv
  • locations bar, and should we use check boxes?
  • remove ui_listview_select_all, just use ui_select_all
  • search Everything from the search box in Windows Explorer? -is this even possible.. need to research this.
  • server ideas: host runs own journal for the everything db.
  • Store the index root of a file list in a file list comment? and add support for reindex a filelist. -cant use comments in csv files in excel, we could built a list of all the rootmost folders and update from there..
  • Remembering the free space is interesting, I'll look into adding that information as a efu file list comment and maybe displaying it in the status bar when a efu file list result is selected.
  • force close usn journal entry after detecting attribute change? -need to check if there is any recourse in doing this.
  • review offline color -hard to maintain what is offline.
  • if language is RTL have a RTL help section under help.
  • own delete / rename dialog.
  • optimize selection masking so we only check for new selections in the expanded region.
  • move ipreviewhandler to its own thread, if possible.
  • show the Everything icon in Explorer context menus
  • fuzzy:?
  • index outlook express attachment filenames -how to display in the UI? c:\emails\anemail.eml:attachmentfilename?
  • make content: return no results then run a background thread to find and add the results
  • map german b (0x00DF) to ss -we can't do these conversions for performance reasons.
  • IShellImageStore for reading thumbs.db on xp? IShellImageFactory (for thumbnails only) on vista and later to use thumbs.db
  • if we want thumbnail adornments we must render them ourselfs, windows explorer uses icons (imageres.dll,191-194) to render them.
  • close the console with Ctrl + ~ instead of from Everything.
  • taskbar integration
  • SHCNE_UPDATEDIR, but we should only update the specified dir. -review for future release. -Everything doesn't use this anymore.
  • close on execute after clicking run as administrator from the right click context menu.
  • more control over position of preview window.
  • show history menu if search history is enabled? -review
  • listbox right click
  • DrawThemeBackground( hTheme, hDC, LVP_LISTITEM, LIS_SELECTED, R1, @R1 ); to draw modern listview selection? use explorer:listview as name
  • index filenames in zip files rar files z7 files (.sit files?) with folder indexing.
  • folder index table for x64? -this could make folder indexing use 1/3 more memory! -future release / compression
  • dont compare pointers in db compare functions, we must check for duplicated filenames and remove them during indexing.
  • ShutdownBlockReasonCreate so we have 30 seconds to save to disk.
  • option to make sure array allocation is page aligned! VirtualAlloc
  • why is (highlighted) in brackets in Fonts and Colors?
  • add file list -cant add more than 1000 through open dialog?
  • change content:keyboard example - /support/everything/searching/#content_searching
  • SHLockShared for IPC
  • #error punctuation doesn't find content:ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS
  • don't split threads up into equal chunks, instead have a CS and get a chunk at a time..
  • filelist: does not highlight, next search term is not highlighted: filelist:"Map - Sonic Tails Ending Poses.asm" sonic.tails
  • ignore punctuation
  • multi-thread indexing
  • view -> statistics -reason for last rebuild. -last USN error
  • Size on Disk - GetCompressedFileSize File/Product Version - GetFileVersionInfo Width - image width, video width. Height - image height, ideo height Channels - Audio channel count Audio Bit rate - Audio encoding bitrate. Video Bit Rate - Video bitrate Total bit rate - audio + ideo bitrate. audio format - not needed. sample data: 00000055-0000-0010-8000-00aa003989b for mp3. sample rate - audio eg: 44 Khz sample size - audio eg: 16 bit title - audio / video / image subject - image subtitle - audio / video rating - audio / video / image tags - video / image comments - audio / video / image contributing artists - audio album artists - audio album - audio year - audio # - audio track genre - audio length - audio / video authors - images / eml system.calendar? url - .url -only works for url (.lnk doesn't work) all other data useless.
  • *don't close the everything process when closing the debug console, put the debug console in another process and inherit the std output handle.
  • -the windows console is perfect for what I want, for the end user we should look at making it easy to enable debug logging, eg: /restart debuglog and making it easy to send this file.
  • Run as administrator option opens in background without focus -make the user-run Everything create a hidden window that has the foreground and pass that foreground to the admin Everything
  • I like the idea of active_monitor (the monitor that has the current foreground window) / mouse_monitor / mouse_pos and a persistent window
  • position setting. -viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6559
  • Everything should also use the same behavior as Windows Explorer when displaying prompts to nuke files.
  • add a key to delete without the "are you sure prompt" and a perminate delete key with no prompt.
  • we need to reopen volumes using networked Read directory change handles when starting up and when the remote volume is not ready, otherwise we never watch changes.
  • when monitor changes is disabled, filling the usn journal is causing a rebuild. -test with chagning attributes for all files
  • crash when clearing search history now when a UI had at least one search history item in use.
  • Each time I connect a vhd folder as a drive I need to go to Opions and toggle "Automatically include new removable volumes" or "...fixed volumes" in the ReFS menu in order to get the volume scanned.
  • what happen to *.* = * ini option? XYZ* =/= XYZ*.*
  • add "To add a NAS share to your Everything index" to FAQ
  • _db_fileinfo_cache_t objects should be allocated with obstacks.
  • "aquot" without quotes had replaced my audio filter macro
  • db_find_nearest_string_match_result optimization
  • *printf("\x1b[33;43Yellow on Blue\x1b[0\n"); -not using because we can't terminate/debug parent process
  • count:10 results are sorted upside down.
  • /reindex is losing all subfolders?!? parents:2 no results when there was before the /reindex command issued. -broke pointer pools
  • search for boxed correct press enter to save search history, search for *.avi press alt left to go back, it does not select boxed correct.
  • changing an icon with voidpad is not updating
  • ui_listview_update_scroll_bars thumbnail v scroll breaking haxan 3 items scrolling past bottom
  • load recent changes
  • refresh flipping run count sort
  • array chunk index offsets
  • right click -> Open Path doesn't work anymore. -make sure you use the slow ILCreateIDFromPath. The SimpleID does not work.
  • Emulate the Windows Search API, or provide a host for it, apparently Microsoft Office uses it.
  • "Include in database" should be "Include in index" -localization
  • Setup an Everything policy to prevent users from changing certain settings in the options window. -need to be able to prevent users from changing which files are indexed in a corperate environment. -check what I did in 1.4 with allow_index_change I need to add this to 1.5
  • installer and Everything.exe from command line allow -add-folder-index \\server\share etc.
  • statistics page - show ini load times / startup times.
  • Ctrl + K should focus the search bar and clear it, like all browsers Ctrl + K focuses the address bar (search bar for firefox) and clears it. -rather than clear, select all like firefox.
  • Ctrl + E should focus search bar like all browsers -maybe focus secondary search bar?
  • *add APNG meta data support -don't add .apng because that is not a supported file name extension, apng piggy packs .png.
  • restore previous session (support multiple windows) and allow user to open search history in existing window or new window.
  • hex editor preview for unkownn file types?
  • remove ctrl + t for always on top and add tabs.
  • add a keyboard command to focus the filter bar.
  • add monitor-pause to command line help.
  • cancel preview when listview focus changes, useful to abort loading really large images
  • delay in milliseconds after keystroke to start search ini option.
  • *ScriptStringOut -we can't control highlighting color -check and see if we can implement similar functionality.
  • cancel query should have OK and CANCEL buttons
  • Shortcut key to paste in results parent folder.
  • If the user never closes the Everything search window, search history will never be saved to disk, on power failure search history is lost. we should save immediately after adding history with a delay, so the first change is saved to disk instantly, the next one will be delayed.. say 5 minutes.
  • make the edit filter dialog resizable, so user can resize to see all the extensions. save the position and dimensions. apply to other dialog windows too
  • remove dialogs from command line options that exit immediately, so we don't break silent installs. use return error codes. review help dialog, maybe print to the console window?
  • make sure all RLE have a PDF and also end with a RLM, for example <RLE>left to right text<PDF><RLM>
  • don't round up for size: for example: a file that is 100 bytes does not match size:<1kb
  • Show the parent folders context menu as a submenu in a file/folder result context menu. or add the option to right click in the path column.
  • C:\Folder\Folder RightClick > Copy Folder -I would prefer: RightClick > Copy Location -change copy path to copy folder location or just location.
  • multifile rename -need more support for Relative Paths, like: \..\..\..\filename
  • change "path" to "folder location" to match Explorer (column can just be "folder")
  • "Full path and filename" should be "fully qualified file name"
  • add a customizable string so the user can specify the "x objects selected" format when 2 or more objects are selected. -2 of X objects selected, Size: 12 MB -$t for total size? -$s for number of selected items -$r for number of results. -and another customizable string for 0 objects selected
  • round up auto size format, eg size in result list is 223KB (KB size format) when size in status bar is 222KB (auto size format)
  • strong LTR and strong RTL in status bar part is breaking reading order in RTL -see DEBUG_FIXME in _ui_status_part_add
  • path length column
  • make sure Everything rescans a volume when it has been decrypted. (VHD drive that is locked using Bitlocker.)
  • tree view should be customizable ? could have filters or custom paths, or is better to have a filter pane? with check boxes?
  • sdk function to get number of subfolders and/or subfiles Everything_GetSubFolderCountByFilename()..
  • Add the option to show selection checkboxes in the result list
  • put name option on contacts page -above email
  • config ini to override settings in the same location as your Everything.exe, allow admins to override settings an import.ini in %APPDATA%\Everything that is loaded and deleted and appended to the user Everything.ini
  • add es: dropdown everything search from open/save dialog boxes?
  • i need a command line option to override the appdata path. so we can store history.csv files in a different folder.
  • when deleting sort by path descending so subfolders are deleted first, that way when we delete both c:\prova and c:\prova\prova2, the subfolder prova2 is deleted first, then c:\prova, otherwise c:\prova\prova2 doesn't exist after deleting c:\prova and windows throws an vague error: can not delete %1 access denied.
  • save columns with bookmark
  • middle mouse button scroll change cursor. -tricky to do since its not a model loop. -added -use the cursor Word uses
  • There needs to be a single call, like the Everything_GetRunCountFromFileName but for sizes, and dates. This would bypass the query and just get the information directly from the Everything database. Added to my TODO list.
  • IPC add: Everything_GetResultTotalFileSize -will have to add to the main struct somehow.. -also add Everything_GetNumFolderResults and Everything_GetNumFileResults support back, it will not work for special sorts, which is fine..
  • nsis installer getting error 0xc000007b when first run and when windows 10 ASLR is enabled. -can we support ASLR with nsis?
  • It is not clear to the user that in the Tools -> Options -> NTFS page the Settings for Local Disk (C:) is for the selection above (same with other options page) -consider highlighting Settings for *Local Disk (C:)* or using a groupbox around the listbox and settings
  • option to save current columns in bookmarks
  • split advanced search help for start and end dates, dont use the same help for both.
  • filter builder like wowhead?
  • monitoring -> updating -The naming may change for the UI, something like "Pause index updates" / "Index updates paused".
  • change /monitor_pause to /pause_updates after changing monitor -> update localization
  • When the monitors are paused, show the current status on the statusbar
  • option to label indexes? Tools -> Options -> NTFS -> C: -> Custom Label: NTFS C: -and show a "index label" column
  • allow ESC when building long list of pidls (right click on all selected files)
  • review ae (the one character symbol) matching a
  • option to sort by the first regex match
  • like filezilla, use base64 for storing passwords in Everything.ini/bookmarks.csv files
  • *Everything.exe -startup -reindex && ES -sort size folder: size:^>1gb -the first part returns successfully before the reindex command is complete. if the ES query is terminated while the es query was active, the es client will never recieve results, we should process DB_QUERY_EVENT_DB_CHANGED or remove DB_QUERY_EVENT_DB_CHANGED and automate it
  • Don't display machine target in DisplayVersion for installed programs and features, it should only display
  • Check IPC client exists while building IPC reply message. highlighted search terms is not checking and takes forever to build the reply message, even when the ipc client termiantes. -we need to use pipes instaed of WM_COPYDATA. -pipes need another thread, and I dont wont another thread.
  • ignore punctuation should ignore combine chars (diacritics)
  • auto complete shell:
  • option to specify a maximum column width when "size columns to fit", should be specified in pixels, eg 640, could specify 100% for 100% screen width?
  • support quotes (") to escape ; for folder list edits. Tools -> Options -> NTFS -> Include Only -> "Folder with ; in it";"another folder"
  • bitlocker drive not ready -The problem is that if you have an NTFS formatted drive that has been encrypted with BitLocker there is a use case where Everything scans the drive before it has been decrypted, and then does not automatically scan it again after it has been decrypted, and so doesn't show any files on that drive unless you go click the Force Rebuild button in the options.
  • when regex is enabled and the advanced dialog is opened, fill in the regex part with the current search.
  • pinyin - ... c&start=15
  • redirect C:\Windows\CSC\v2.0.6\namespace\[UncPathToFile] folder
  • allow bookmark macros to set the sort / view, use the last specified bookmark when multiple bookmark macros are specified.
  • add $count / $index to multifile renamer to be replaced with the current file number
  • a column to show number of folders/files and/or subfolders and files. (childcount)
  • etp/ftp shouldn't show empty lists while the db is loading. we should block until the db is loaded and show all the results..
  • option to disable the FTP PORT command (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6524 - FTP bounce vulnerability)
  • index owner information / security objects?
  • a -silent option when using -install-service -we dont want any messages when deploying.
  • if debug_log is enabled, it will continuously write data to disk as we log the change to Everything.Debug.Log.txt to Everything.Debug.Log.txt... which triggers another change...
  • add a baloon tooltip when pressing a bad char in a filename when renaming a file.
  • FTP use default encoding (eg: GB2312) when FTP UTF8 is off, and an option to force UTF8 on/allow request/off
  • add examples to inapp help?
  • highlight filelist filename column when using filelistfilename:
  • Readdirectorychanges should have high priority?
  • BUG:when selecting all files, (ctrl + a), hold down ctrl and begin a selection mask, while masking, release ctrl, mask over new items and the unmasked items are unselected, but not invalidated.
  • Install folder context menus in installer, should be install folder context menu items.
  • API to get the filename of the focused item in Everything
  • make windows play nice with multi-monitor setups, rememeber x,y positions only when the dialog window is on the same monitor as the parent.
  • add support for idroptarget so we can drop text on Everything.
  • if filelists have no "filename" header, they should treat each line as a filename (cmd tree export?)
  • folders should not be using C:\ internally they should be using c: we should still display c:\ but removed the trailing \ after loading the ini, or browse for folder. this will fix the /reindex c: issue for folder indexes
  • fixed child count corruption when renaming a refs folder.
  • when a drive is inserted, recheck the folder update timers
  • Thumbnails are displayed wrongly with OneDrive's On Demand - viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6467
  • add index type option?
  • fixme column width saving after toggling the column off then on
  • rename "Enable Regex" to "Use regular expressions" ?
  • filelist:moviesfoo.doc change the doc, file is no longer listed?!?
  • fix WS_GROUPs, mostly fixed, but make sure they are all good for Everything 1.5, there should be a WS_GROUP for the first control in each group.
    add EVERYTHING_IPC_IS_FAST_SORT to the SDK documentation.
  • WS_EX_COMPOSITED for status bar stops flickering.
  • enabling Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection fixes opening of c:\windows\system32\winevt
  • If Everything_SetRequestFlags does not specify size, Everything_GetResultSize should still return a size if it is indexed. -can't do this, since the data is not sent back via WM_COPYDATA.
  • ** = * with no backslash (or forward slash) -microsoft do this too - ... -file-path
  • on db corrupt, just delete the Everything.db and fatal exit
  • replace browse for folder with IFileOpenDialog and FOS_PICKFOLDERS
  • use a smaller header for xp -done, using a header_font_high + ((7 * os_logical_high) / 96) height now
  • ui_listview.c search for //New Text Document:.txt is still broken. (Note the :) - need to replace utf8_root_part_length with custom root part length, we don't want url schemes, and we should only accept : when there's a following \, eg: c:\ = ok, c:foobar.txt = bad
  • dont allow url schemes when renaming, eg renaming "asd bob" to "asd bob:123" should remove the :, not treat it as a url scheme. allow drives is ok, eg: "asd bob" to "x:\asd bob"
  • tpying " places two "" in the search edit, with the cursor after the first one, reduces the need to type in the last double quote. -added config_auto_double_quote_completion
  • add regex: help to tooltip for exclude filters
  • Everything 1.4 is using the old Everything 1.2 chm if it still exists from an old install! -the installer may have to remove this file.
  • start everything on system startup -support multiple instances.
  • shortcut keys wont work when suggestions drop down is shown - it should like firefox?
  • case insensitive search functions, same as windows SIZE: should work.
  • uninstaller - keep settings option - need localization
  • refs indexing memory leak? viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6411&p=19637#p19637
  • show the current filelist filename in the window caption and add $f for filelist filename to the window caption format.
  • when and if we add the explorer tree view on the left, allow customizable search filters to be added to the list, so we can click on things like All Music, and allow icon customization
  • add a filepart:/namepart: search function to search only the file part of the filename (excluding the extension).
  • with temp exclude, allow right click -> exclude files modified before/after the selected files modified date.
  • use overlapped struct for all writefile operations. we don't want to wait to build the next chunk before the data is written to disk. use GetOverlappedResult to wait before WriteFile so we are always waiting for the disk.
  • we should have an query OP code to get the next term, rather than looping outside the opcode execution. we wouldn't need two paths like we currently have
  • add ETP support to ES
  • check installer works on standard user account with UAC set to never ask.
  • if run history fails to load, make sure we dont override it with an empty file on exit. file could be read locked by another process on load?
  • pasting a folder as text will not convert \ to the correct regex format.
  • add support for dropping an efu file on the Everything taskbar button and click Open With... windows 10+
  • a customizable string to copy the selected filename, size, date and other column information, allowing the specific date format.
  • show macros and keyboard shortcuts in a listview in the filter / bookmark organizer, or macro organizer.
  • parent:shell:desktop should work, shell:Desktop should expand first,
  • Truncate the search history menu item text to 256 characters. if text is too long, no items are displayed below!
  • an option to allow a HTTP request to manually update the indexes.
  • is shellexecute with the runas verb entering a dialog modal and not blocking!?!
  • WM_UPDATEUISTATE UISF_HIDEACCEL UIS_CLEAR to always show menu item shortcut keys underlined
  • index CFS files (like zip files)
  • why am i not performing a search on the current result index?!?!?, its already sorted!, would make searching so much faster, would have to check for certain terms to always perform a complete research, empty: comes to mind..
  • update empty: in realtime.
  • add support for icon sizes: 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 96, 128 and 256 - ... on-include
  • add %PATH% to multi-file rename to supply path of the original file. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6318&p=19085#p19085
  • volume name as a column option
  • should strippath be namepart or filenamepart? in multifile renamer
  • delay previews from showing by one second, only after the first shown preview, so the first clicked on file will show a preview immediately, but using the arrow keys wont bog down the system loading all the previews..
  • add a search function to search by volume guid -posting2.php?mode=reply&f=5&t=6302
  • update the ini setting instance_name, we need to reload the Everything.ini, make sure it expands environment variables..
  • don't use the year 2000 for invalid dates, invalidate dates are treated as 0, then converted to 2000.
  • etp client request is fast sort.
  • add runcount for items renamed, eg: newsteam.exe (10) -> steam.exe (100) becomes steam.exe (110) and newsteam.exe becomes (0)? viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6268&p=18845#p18845
  • negative run count for showing items at the bottom of the search. -would be useful for showing the recyclebin at the bottom, but would be too hard to maintain unless runcount could work with the parent folders runcount.
  • should opening Everything via a hotkey open the home search?
  • CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER should not be used in ui_preview for compatibility? if it is not present, then double clicking doesn't work when previews are visible viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6247
  • add EVERYTHING_ERROR_NO_IPC to differenciant between ipc not running and ipc error
  • make it clear that exclude filters are case insensitive.
  • do NOT select extension when renaming should be DO SELECT extension when renaming
  • add a status bar text change for "remove orphaned folder children" we did have LOCALIZATION_REMOVING_ORPHAN_FOLDERS.
  • detect and remove "naming cycle" - circular reference folder parents.
  • ETP client/server should not use 18446744073709551615 for invalid sizes, instead it should use an empty string.
  • Showing a popup of thumbnails when mousing over the selected results could work, I will consider adding something like this.?
  • make sure debug console is in foreground when shown. - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6215
  • localization - index page needs adjusting for Italian, short index, long fast sorts makes the long sorts text clipped.
  • rc:sat = 0 results, looking into the future, It would make sense for Everything to always look into the past - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6210&p=18558#p18558 -we should mimic natural language, if today is tuesday, then 'wednesday' should be tomorrow, NOT wednesday last week.
  • disable icon cache FOR HDDs that are asleep. don't want to wake up HDDs when we search
  • localize
  • I can see rescanning the volume when it is plugged in being useful when the last scheduled update was missed, I'll consider adding this feature.
  • add a version command to ES to show the current Everything version.
  • content:<123|abc|zxc|asd> searches for content:123 | content:abc | content:zxc | content:asd
  • ext: allow ext:<mp3|mp4|wav> ?? - the user would expect | to break the term, don't add a special case, add support for ext:"mp3|jpg" -double quotes to escape | we need to allow | inplace of ;
  • ext: does not highlight terms when a . is present, eg: ext:txt.tmp does not highlight the txt. part.
  • customizable search delay for search as you type.
  • optimize export
  • if no association found for preview / thumbnails?, detect if the file is an image (even with no extension)
  • allow only one instance of a filename in file lists? use the last instance if multiple instances specified. see test.efu with duplicated test.txt with different sizes.
  • ipreviewhandler does not show the preview image of avi's correctly on windows 10.
  • use an update to date environment block when launching a program / app. Looks like I have to build the current environment block myself and pass it to CreateProcess..
  • get rid of esc to close as the default
  • Copy field in right click menu for results? Copy Field -> size, Copy Field -> Path, Copy Field -> Date Modified, etc... shortcut keys?
  • file list editor - import efu/csv/txt.
  • file list editor - save as txt and csv.
  • "Copy Path to clipboard" add two more keyboard shortcuts - Copy Path Not name to clipboard without double quotes and Copy Path Not name to clipboard with double quotes. also add context menu items.
  • IPTC ... ange_Model
  • EXIF
  • help in installer?
  • XMP meta data support: ... a_Platform
  • keyboard shortcut search should search english localization_strings too. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6132
  • __ui_header_set_sort: if query is-count-op, we should requery instead of sorting.
  • customize context menus - use \ to define subfolders
  • customize context menus - use a filter to define what the context menu shows for, ie, files only, folders only, *.py|*.cpp etc.. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6131&p=18145#p18145
  • add 7z.001;7z.002;7z.003;7z.004;7z.005;7z.006;7z.007;7z.008;7z.009;7z.010;7z.0011;7z.012;7z.013;7z.014;7z.015;7z.016;7z.017;7z.018;7z.019;7z.020;7z.021;7z.022;7z.023;7z.024;7z.025;7z.026;7z.027;7z.028;7z.029;7z.030 to filter defaults.
  • comment field for filters ?
  • function:!value support same as !function:value wether we flip the not flag or invert the values...?
  • an override Everything.ini for enterprise setups, admin could push out override.ini to override folder indexes etc.
  • don't prompt to save in appdata when we run from a network share -not sure how to handle this yet, we dont want it too smart, we want to be able to save to x:\ where x is a network drive, so really we just want to ignore \\ shares.
  • next filter, prev filter.
  • look up all hardlinks for frn:
  • support short FRNs (exclude the sequence number) for frn:
  • renamer should sort by path descending when renaming, so subfolders are renamed before parents.
  • improve run as admin from ui_Access denied and options, for when we run Everything from a remote location with no write access to the same location as Everything.exe. -we don't really want to see 'unable to save settings', eg, run Everything.exe from \\voidstar\dev\everything\debug\everything.exe from win10 vm as limited user.
  • resize options window, limit the options window to the default size ofcourse, but allow larger windows for ntfs options, folders options, keyboard options etc.
  • restart service. reconnect to service -need to block on timer, add to when ready events. -also need a way to restart the service from a standard user account
  • show advanced search dialog from command line? could use a generic -command <UI_ID_*> command
  • shift + mousewheel up/down should go back/forward (see firefox)
  • Move Copy full name to clipboard (it should be the same as Cut/Copy/Paste - which are not shown in the File menu)
  • add help and advanced search form to http search page.
  • add pic: pics: pictures: picture: to builtin list of macros
  • move macros to database for parsing.
  • each version needs to live in its own unique instance.
  • count: sorting.
  • an ini option to set how many database files are stored on disk, each one dated, eg: Everything-18.02.17.db so we can have a backup of the last 3 databases. off by default.
  • flac tags
  • aspect:16:9
  • add a small + button to the right of the NTFS include only setting to browse for a folder, make sure this folder path is expanded before adding to the list.
  • add an id3: search function to search all ID3 frames for text.
  • my built in image preview handler, add an ini option to customize the background color.
  • add an option to copy the current highlighted word into Everything.
  • -select <filename> to select a file by name, need an internal api call, eg: ui_get_result_index_from_filename()
  • also add an easy way to get the current selected, focus full path and filename.
  • time range in advanced search - radio button to show last *7* *mins/hours/seconds/etc*
  • auto size preview width?
  • improve f11 full screen - auto adjust column widths
  • use canceluiex when available?
  • get rid of os_listbox_get_text, always use os_listbox_add_string_and_data, fix rtl support. and inject <LRE><PDF><RLM> automatically
  • ExtTextOut has an output for rendered char positions, could use to highlight the background of RTL text.
  • handle own errors for renaming single files, eg error 32 - file locked, we don't want to pass this to the OS rename implementation if the file name length is too long.
  • indexes menu, pause/resume monitoring. update delay.
  • custom color for alternate row and selection, might be useful for whole row select
  • IFileOperation for Vista or later
  • detect existing files conflicts with multi-file rename, as default error message is vague. -currently windows 8 or later shows invalid parameter on conflict.
  • updated empty: in real-time? would have to check queries for a empty: op when a file or folder is deleted., could dirty the op and do it after updating is complete.
  • add preview to bookmark remember preview and home remember preview.
  • if a drive (eg: c: or c:\) is in the exclude list, don't include it in the ntfs_volume_list.
  • regvar0:..regvar9: to be substituted with the previous regex search captures.
  • rescan a folder index when the offline drive is inserted, and we missed the previous scheduled update.
  • store drive label in database, add a column for it, good for offline volumes.
  • add a column to show the number of files in a folder
  • 1. Adding Text in Caption. Like: "term to search - Everything (713b) - File List mode (Not monitored)"
  • add http basic auth timeout - send HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized after custom timeout.
  • the file list editor should launch Everything.exe -editor we just need to figure out how we store settings
  • exclude list like noscript, exclude list, temp exclude list,
  • fix run count increase from double clicking path.
  • track folder indexes by volume guid if its a drive letter folder only, eg: folder index of E:\
  • large page support ... 85%29.aspx -note this is buggy see the 7zip bug -see virtuallock to use physical ram
  • search option to expand environment variables, eg expand:%APPDATA%
  • support shell: folders. See also ... l-folders/
  • import option for the file list editor.
  • sql interface?
  • option to copy selected to clipboard and start new search?
  • vim wildcards?? * = any char except /\ ** = any char.
  • important: make sure we get FD data for updating monitors in another thread so we never hold up the main or worker thread. (this would fix the slow USB drive issue.)
  • preview pane option in bookmarks and home?
  • SHGetFileInfo is going to disk for .exe, .lnk and .ico files when SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES is used.
  • parent: should search for folders in worker thread so it doesnt block the ui thread (cant cancel old search.)
  • reload file list button in Tools -> Options -> File lists so we dont have to monitor changes and can reload filelists manually without having to do a force rebuild.
  • when in preview for mp4 / pdf we no longer recieve keydown messages.
  • namepartdupe:ext:mp4;avi -find MyMovie.avi and MyMovie.mp4 -What I would love to do is: ext:mp4;avi namepartdupe: where namepartdupe:
  • would find duplicate name parts from the results. -this might have limitations where namepartdupe: would have to be the last search term
    search button when search as you type is disabled.
  • dm:-dc:>100minutes etc..
  • Levenshtein distance ld: function set threshold in ini.
  • normalization table option? word table[65536]?
  • I need to add an update now button when NTFS monitoring is disabled
  • ICustomDestinationList for pinned taskbar app? could list search history and run history.? -doesnt work at all on windows 10, seems fine on windows 7. could only add "tasks" couldnt add custom categorys
  • details pane, like in explorer, so for thumbnail view we can see size, date modified, path etc each on its own line.
  • built in text viewer for windows xp. -future release maybe?
  • export options. have two columns like in BM. << add >> remove.. could have size in bytes, formatted size in KB etc..
  • add all opened files/folders to the "jump list".
  • use get_ntfs_file_info instead of os_get_fd, some system files os_get_fd doesn't work, whereas our get_ntfs_file_info always does.
  • path suggestions when typing out a absolute path, ie d:\games\... etc
  • usn event use some sort of cache for the last item
  • add outline color customization
  • add border color control for thumbnails to ui options.
  • ftp command monitor, send the command, server waits for an update, replies when it gets one, send any other command from the client cancels the monitor.
  • -add a new translation string for the copyright string, but this time use a variable for the year.
  • scroll bar on suggestion list
  • make everything filter deletable, if there are no filters, just use the predefined empty everything filter. also make import add duplicated everything filters. -this does simplify things and removes the complex "smart" everything filter
  • I will look into adding support for allow the search edit text to be included in the filter, rather than ANDed with it.
  • folder updating, update icons if date modified / size changes. -requires indexing the entire fd size we need to check size/date changes and we might not be indexing that information.
  • show bookmark keyboard shortcut duplicates in add new shortcut key.
  • allow path column as drop targets, drop a file into the specified path.
  • etp highlighting with * escapes like in IPC? -not possible since our search returns the entire list. -we would have to do a SEARCH_HIGHLIGHTED command that returns the entire list as highlighted
  • use folders to group bookmarks
  • try to exclude files before we add them to the index. -we could be excluding files at this stage!
  • check if aero mode is doing something crazy when we bitblt multiple times, is it syncing each blit?!?, maybe we should have an option to use a huge back buffer and do a single blit? -rewrite renderer so we allocate/draw then entire backbuffer at once.
  • when a user types in a absolute path that is not indexed, add it to the temp index?, ie user types \\tv\ which is not indexed, so we grab just the folders in \\tv\, that way we could quickly paste something in \\tv\uploads without it being in the index..
  • multiline text for thumbnails
  • fonts and colors dialog needs to be larger for italian. -i'm thinking of using double lines for the default radio button, and another line for the custom and selection.
  • I will look at allowing resizing and query in a future release... -need to check is_busy and wait til new_results to do the ui_size / ui_paint, this still doesnt help when scrolling or pressing keys... might need a better approach, will leave as is for now.
  • portable file list editor
  • everything cgi for existing web servers.
  • ctrl + space to auto suggest paths, so we have type d:\mu , ctrl + space would change that to d:\music\, or if multiple options are available, show a list of possible paths. (search must start with a root path), we should do this with the auto indexing of unindexed folders, ie typing in \\tv\ will start indexing \\tv
  • locations bar, and should we use check boxes?
  • remove ui_listview_select_all, just use ui_select_all
  • New folder<lowercase %2> -tcl like function calls for rename.
  • search Everything from the search box in Windows Explorer? -is this even possible.. need to research this.
  • server ideas: host runs own journal for the everything db.
  • update folder attributes.
  • Store the index root of a file list in a file list comment? and add support for reindex a filelist. -cant use comments in csv files in excel, we could built a list of all the rootmost folders and update from there..
  • Remembering the free space is interesting, I'll look into adding that information as a efu file list comment and maybe displaying it in the status bar when a efu file list result is selected.
  • force close usn journal entry after detecting attribute change? -need to check if there is any recourse in doing this.
  • review offline color -hard to maintain what is offline.
  • if language is RTL have a RTL help section under help.
  • own delete / rename dialog. -ui_delete, which will delete the file on disk and remove the item from the database. that way we could set the next focused item
  • optimize selection masking so we only check for new selections in the expanded region.
  • FindFirstChangeNotification seems to work better than ShellChangeNotify, FindFirstChangeNotification only lets us know if a changed occured, not what the changes was.
  • move ipreviewhandler to its own thread, if possible.
  • show the Everything icon in Explorer context menus
  • fuzzy:? check ... tance.html
  • index outlook express attachment filenames -how to display in the UI? c:\emails\anemail.eml:attachmentfilename?
  • make content: return no results then run a background thread to find and add the results
  • map german b (0x00DF) to ss -we can't do these conversions for performance reasons.
  • IShellImageStore for reading thumbs.db on xp? IShellImageFactory (for thumbnails only) on vista and later to use thumbs.db
  • if we want thumbnail adornments we must render them ourselfs, windows explorer uses icons (imageres.dll,191-194) to render them.
  • close the console with Ctrl + ~ instead of from Everything.
  • taskbar integration
  • SHCNE_UPDATEDIR, but we should only update the specified dir. -review for future release.
  • close on execute after clicking run as administrator from the right click context menu.
  • more control over position of preview window.
  • show history menu if search history is enabled? -review
  • listbox right click
  • DrawThemeBackground( hTheme, hDC, LVP_LISTITEM, LIS_SELECTED, R1, @R1 ); to draw modern listview selection? use explorer:listview as name
    index filenames in zip files rar files z7 files (.sit files?) with folder indexing.
  • folder index table for x64? -this could make folder indexing use 1/3 more memory! -future release / compression

Progress is being made on these things to do in Everything 1.5
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Re: Things to do

Post by Split »

I was going to suggest TrueCrypt support, but I see it on there already. Consider this a "second" to the motion.

Thank you for a very helpful application!
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Re: Things to do

Post by Newman »

About the "Custom Filters" and "Special Filters" in the to do list. How will they be implemented? I'm curious to know if you haven't already thought of this. You probably have but just making sure.

Since I see there will be a toolbar of some sort. Instead of having "Special Filters" hard coded into the software for things like audio, video, and other file types. It seems more convenient to add options to allow users to create, name, customize, and iconize. Those filters then will have their own toolbar buttons that filter out custom filters.

Love the software. And I really appreciate the fact that you take the time to read everyone's suggestions and actually consider them in your software. Thank You.
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Re: Things to do

Post by David »

Search Filters have been implemented.

It is currently disabled until I implement the UI to customize the hard-coded filters.
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Re: Things to do

Post by cacamama »

I'm curious what exactly do you mean by "(use mft for very fast sorts when sorting everything)"?

Are you planning to implement file size indexing? This would slow down the indexing, but if left optional, would be great, especially for instantly viewing the size of folders.

Whatever you do David, please implement non-essential features as plugins, Everything should stay slim!

Take care.
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Re: Things to do

Post by deadfones »

The thumbnail support will be epic. Expect another donation for that.
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Re: Things to do

Post by DickPape »

Whatever you do David ... Everything should stay slim!
and Fast.
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Re: Things to do

Post by meilon »

David wrote:
  • I plan to change the -connect <host> command line option to start "Everything" with -connect <user:password@host:port>
Please let this happen - asap :D And of course with blank password support (-connect user@host) because we don't need another password.

Also I would like to see another type of linking on those searched ETP-Servers: CIFS! I'm a Domain Administrator and therefore I can access every drive on every computer connected to the AD :twisted: So, when I want to open a file oder folder out of Everytrhing it would be nice if it would open the correspondig administrative share. For instance: I want to open the Folder "E:\the\folder\i\like" from server "myserv" and when I doubleclick that folder, "\\myserv\e$\the\folder\i\like" is opened in my Windows Explorer!

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Re: Things to do

Post by David »

Please try the following beta with the updated -connect command line option and \\server\drive$ shares...
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Re: Things to do

Post by meilon »

The \\server\drive$ shares are working great for me here. Only the -connect has a bug: I can't connect to the ETP Server on our fileserver with -connect etp@08filesrv193. I have to use -connect etp:""@08filesrv193 so send a blank password.

A like the beta, will stick to it!
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Re: Things to do

Post by David »

Thanks for pointing this out...
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Re: Things to do

Post by meilon »

Works like a charm! Keep up the good work!
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Re: Things to do

Post by arlanda »

"color options for alternate row colors"
I second that. Thanks! :D
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Re: Things to do

Post by arlanda »

Please disregard my previous post regarding alternating row colour. The option "Show mouse rollover" works fine for me.

It will be nice to have an option to control the text properties (i.e. colour, bold/unbold, etc.) for "Show highlighted search terms", similar to what we can do with a Firefox addon, Locationbar2. Thanks!
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Re: Things to do

Post by arlanda »

improve TrueCrypt support
You may want to correct that to FAT32

TrueCrypt: ... crypt#p485
FAT32: ... AT32#p1045
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Re: Things to do

Post by coderati »

1. This is by far the best file search program I've ever seen! :D

2. One minor suggestion to improve ui: Highlight the entire row as you move through the results list using the keyboard (just like as if you were moving the mouse around with "show row mouseover"). You might even do the alternating shaded line thing (alernating between white & shaded lines in the results, where every other line is shaded) -- for readability of the other columns associated with a particular file.
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Re: Things to do

Post by Calep »

I second Coderati, a solution like that would improve progra usability, for me at least...
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Re: Things to do

Post by fabioq »

Someone suggested colors for rows and then took it back...I'd like to add it back in as a suggestion. I just found Everything today and so far I love it, even without this functionality. I like the simple interface. I'm a Karaoke host and I use Copernic for song searches of my Karaoke files which are zip files, I have about 150,000 files which need to be indexed by Song ID, Artist and Song Title. Everything did this so quickly I was amazed! I like that it doesn't look inside of files to stay fast, if you're ever tempted to do add that functionality please, please make it an option. Since I'm usualy playing regular music in between singers I'm also using it to index my mp3s. I have my MP3s stored in folders by genre, I did have to modify the folder names a bit since Everything doesn't do well with a search like "country songs\ .mp3". Not a big deal since I was able to change the folder name to just "country" so now I can just search "country\ .mp3" --after all I already know they SONGS!! A possibility to change the background too might be asking too much but if you feel inclined to add it as an option it wouldn't be too bad! Here's the ideal interface I'd like (from the Karaoke hosting app). With the right options I think I can set it up to look like it.
searchwindow.jpg (79.38 KiB) Viewed 652227 times
This was a great interface until the files got over 30,000 then it would take forever to index and the searches were very rigid. You had to type it exactly as was listed. That's when I found Copernic and it did a good job with the searches, but the indexing would take a while, but I had to index just before the gig - was able to do it while at the bar lest it would make the laptop go into a slow crawl. This is the reason I like Everything over Copernic and it's much faster, the indexing is almost instantaneous. Anyway, the reason for the colors: it would be awesome for different types of files so it would be possible to have zip files with a particular color and mp3s with a different color or jpg or wmv or whatever...this would make it easier to see in a dark bar and in my case, half drunk :D. I'm gonna try to use it at my next gig this Friday nite -so far is looking good. Expect a donation.

By the way, is there a way to keep the folders from showing up. In the attached example there are 5 folders at the top that I don't need to see, I just want to see the contents:
everything_search.jpg (71.34 KiB) Viewed 652229 times
Anyway, did I mention it's a great app!

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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

Color customization is on my "Things to do" list.
The "Things to do" list shown here is a little out of date.

I am considering customizable color rules.
For example, you could add a custom color rule for *.mp3 to make all the files with the mp3 extension red.
By the way, is there a way to keep the folders from showing up. In the attached example there are 5 folders at the top that I don't need to see, I just want to see the contents:
There is no practical way in to do this, (can be done inaccurately with !*.)
You might like to try the latest alpha version and use a custom file filter.

Thanks for your support.
Posts: 60
Joined: Tue May 26, 2009 7:37 am

Re: Things to do

Post by Boofo »

void wrote:Color customization is on my "Things to do" list.
The "Things to do" list shown here is a little out of date.

I am considering customizable color rules.
For example, you could add a custom color rule for *.mp3 to make all the files with the mp3 extension red.
By the way, is there a way to keep the folders from showing up. In the attached example there are 5 folders at the top that I don't need to see, I just want to see the contents:
There is no practical way in to do this, (can be done inaccurately with !*.)
You might like to try the latest alpha version and use a custom file filter.

Thanks for your support.

How would you set a custom filter that will only show files with whatever term you are searching for and not folder names that have the term in it?
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

We could use the same as a normal search, prefix file: for files only or folder: for folders only.
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Re: Things to do

Post by fabioq »

Awesome. That did the trick, I put file: and the folders didn't show up!

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Re: Things to do

Post by Boofo »

void wrote:We could use the same as a normal search, prefix file: for files only or folder: for folders only.
I know this sounds ignorant on my part but can you give me an example of a filter that is set up? I'm not sure I understand the macro and search filter right. here is what I have:

Search Filters name: Files Only
Search Filter: include files:
Macro: (I left this blank)

I know it's wrong but I such at regex type stuff.
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Re: Things to do

Post by Boofo »

fabioq wrote:Awesome. That did the trick, I put file: and the folders didn't show up!

I didn't see this when I posted. I guess I was close. Thanks for setting me straight. ;)
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Re: Things to do

Post by Boofo »

Is there a way to set a custom filter as the default sort method?
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

Is there a way to set a custom filter as the default sort method?
Do you mean a custom filter to set the sort order?
For example, the search pathsort: to sort the results by path?
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Re: Things to do

Post by Boofo »

void wrote:
Is there a way to set a custom filter as the default sort method?
Do you mean a custom filter to set the sort order?
For example, the search pathsort: to sort the results by path?
Yes, that is what I meant.
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

I have added implement search commands to sort to my "Things to do" list..

Possibly with the following commands..
sort:extension (sort:ext)
sort:datemodified (sort:modified)
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Re: Things to do

Post by Boofo »

Great! Looking forward to the changes, sir. ;)
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Re: Things to do

Post by looky78 »

I hope you add the "Include" tab in option menu.

I want to search specail folders(and subfolders) and files.

In my case, [d:\Project_D\....],[ e:\Project_E\...] are target forder.
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

You can already.
Simply make sure the first item in the exclude list is an include type.
For example, from an empty exclude list, add the following rules:
Include folder: d:\Project_D
include folder: e:\Project_E

Only these two folders, subfolders and files will now appear in "Everything".

The first item in the exclude list defines how items are include or excluded by default..
If the first item is an include type, all files and folders are excluded by default.
If the first item is an exclude type, all files and folders are included by default.

If you are referring to non-NTFS folders, you will be able to include these with custom file lists in the next release of "Everything"..
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Re: Things to do

Post by athelas »

I would very much welcome another "localization feature" - support for searching accented characters when a normal character is pressed. Non-English languages often use accented characters - it was a must to avoid them in the filename structure in the past, but this restriction has been lifted (even though you occasionally still run into problems). In result, people name their files sometimes with and sometimes without accents.

While Everything works perfectly with any character OS/file system supports, it would be more practical if searching for accented char will return also files non-accented version in the search results and vice versa.

For example:
a = â = ă = ä = à = á = â = ã = å = ą = æ
c = ç = ć = č

[My friend who told me about Everything said it is the best invention since "sliced bread" and he was absolutely right - the most useful app ever!]
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

I do have plans to add the option to ignore accents.

However, with this option enabled, your searches will take nearly twice as long (but should still be faster than you can type).
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Environment Variables

Post by gussan »

Dear David,is it possible that everything supports "environment variables" like %temp%, %userprofile%, %APPDATA%, etc.?. Regards.
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

is it possible that everything supports "environment variables" like %temp%, %userprofile%, %APPDATA%
Yes, added to my "Things to do" list.
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Re: Things to do

Post by gussan »

Dear David, thanks so much, I am glad to hear that. And of course, as soon I see this function and the option to refresh the database manually enabled I will be more than happy to donate to your terrific project. By now your program is the first thing I install in a new installed computer, second Total Commander. Your program has make my computing life so so easy that I am so thankful with you. Regards.
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Re: Things to do

Post by stenionet »

I think that would be great if put buttons for active and deactivate volumes.
Sometimes it is not necessary to search in the volume (c:programas) and would be very useful if we just have to click in one button.

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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

I think that would be great if put buttons for active and deactivate volumes.
"Everything" will need to rescan all volumes if you make any changes to which volumes are included.

It might be easier and faster to use the NOT operator (!) to exclude a folder from your search.

For example, to find all files and folders, excluding the C: drive, search for:

Code: Select all

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Re: Things to do

Post by stenionet »

void wrote:
I think that would be great if put buttons for active and deactivate volumes.
"Everything" will need to rescan all volumes if you make any changes to which volumes are included.

It might be easier and faster to use the NOT operator (!) to exclude a folder from your search.

For example, to find all files and folders, excluding the C: drive, search for:

Code: Select all

I made a filter in the Filter toolbar. It is working really fast and I think if put a button to active this filter, the speed will continue to be fast.

Sorry for my english.
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Re: Things to do

Post by rondador »

Hi there! Not sure if the following suggestions are interesting for you, because they are related to Everything as a launcher (well, not necessarily). At this moment, I use Executable filter, FRN sorting, Close on execute, and filter bar visible (in order to know what filter I'm using):

- keyboard shortcut to switch between filters (ex: alt+up/alt+down; user may see the applied filter in filter bar).
- create and save filter along with sort order (search commands that I've read above?)
- keyboard shortcut to execute first item in result list (just with one keystroke, as a application launcher; just as two taps on the enter key )

Right now, I just use a shortcut to activate/deactivate Executable filter, so I can switch between Executable/None filter just with the same shorcut. It allows me to use Everything as a Launcher or just as the best search tool ever.

Thank you for Everything and sorry for my english :)
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Re: Things to do

Post by void »

Updated things to do
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Re: Things to do

Post by daspud »

I am exhausted just looking at the list! :mrgreen:
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Re: Things to do

Post by meilon »

daspud wrote:I am exhausted just looking at the list! :mrgreen:
It will be easier when the last point on the list is completed :D
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Re: Things to do

Post by backspacefan »

*[MAJOR]ctrl + backspace is broken when search history dropdown is visible.

Thanks for this amazing software, I use it all the time and it saves me a lot of time.
I am running the version and even though the above feature is marked as implemented, when I hit "crl + backspace", a special character appears instead of deleting the word to the left of the cursor.
Thanks again
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Re: Things to do

Post by Hugo »

Thanks to you! Search Everything is great!
Is it possible to change the Search Everything new release to permit Windows 7 UAC (User account control) not to interfere with Search Everything?
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Re: Things to do

Post by meilon »

Hugo wrote:Is it possible to change the Search Everything new release to permit Windows 7 UAC (User account control) not to interfere with Search Everything?
I use Everything on my Windows 7 x64 box and never see a UAC box. The trick is to schedule a job at boot starting Everything with the -startup argument and checking the box "Run with highest privileges". Here's a blogpost I found covering this: ... -Read.aspx

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Re: Things to do

Post by Hugo »

Hi, Melon. Thanks your suggestion. I know it exists some tricks to bypass UAC. But I think the great was if Search Everything is changed to not interfere with UAC.
Don't you think the same?
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Re: Things to do

Post by meilon »

Hugo wrote:But I think the great was if Search Everything is changed to not interfere with UAC.
This is simply not possible! The only ways would be that you deactivate UAC or use the task sheduler. Everything uses some API directly connecting to the hard drive, this is only available with elevated rights which promts UAC.
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Re: Things to do

Post by Hugo »

Thanks, Meilon. Now I understand the reason.
I will try to do like you have suggested, although it is a so much complex for me.
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Re: Things to do

Post by Broc11 »

I would very much welcome another "localization feature" - support for searching accented characters when a normal character is pressed. Non-English languages often use accented characters - it was a must to avoid them in the filename structure in the past, but this restriction has been lifted (even though you occasionally still run into problems). In result, people name their files sometimes with and sometimes without accents.

While Everything works perfectly with any character OS/file system supports, it would be more practical if searching for accented char will return also files non-accented version in the search results and vice versa.

For example:
a = â = ă = ä = à = á = â = ã = å = ą = æ
c = ç = ć = č

[My friend who told me about Everything said it is the best invention since "sliced bread" and he was absolutely right - the most useful app ever!]
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